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10 commits

6 changed files with 237 additions and 73 deletions

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@ -1 +1,3 @@
# 🖌️ Sumi-e -- A minimalist theme for Neovim
# 🔴 Dieter - A minimalist theme for Neovim
Less but better.

colors/dieter.lua Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
package.loaded["dieter"] = nil

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
package.loaded["sumi-e"] = nil

lua/dieter/hsl.lua Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
local M = {}
--- Converts an HSL color value to RGB. Conversion formula
--- adapted from
--- Assumes h, s, and l are contained in the set [0, 1] and
--- returns r, g, and b in the set [0, 255].
--- @param h number The hue
--- @param s number The saturation
--- @param l number The lightness
--- @return number, number, number # The RGB representation
function M.hslToRgb(h, s, l)
--- @type number, number, number
local r, g, b
if s == 0 then
r, g, b = l, l, l -- achromatic
--- @param p number
--- @param q number
--- @param t number
local function hue2rgb(p, q, t)
if t < 0 then
t = t + 1
if t > 1 then
t = t - 1
if t < 1 / 6 then
return p + (q - p) * 6 * t
if t < 1 / 2 then
return q
if t < 2 / 3 then
return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6
return p
--- @type number
local q
if l < 0.5 then
q = l * (1 + s)
q = l + s - l * s
local p = 2 * l - q
r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1 / 3)
g = hue2rgb(p, q, h)
b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1 / 3)
return r * 255, g * 255, b * 255
--- Converts an HSL color value to RGB in Hex representation.
--- @param h number The hue
--- @param s number The saturation
--- @param l number The lightness
--- @return string # The hex representation
function M.hslToHex(h, s, l)
local r, g, b = M.hslToRgb(h / 360, s / 100, l / 100)
return string.format("#%02x%02x%02x", r, g, b)
return M

lua/dieter/init.lua Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
local hsl = require("dieter.hsl").hslToHex
local colors = {
light = {
background = hsl(240, 100, 100),
foreground = hsl(0, 0, 13),
string = hsl(96, 50, 33),
comment = hsl(230, 66, 40),
comment_error = hsl(2, 85, 40),
diagnostic_error = hsl(347, 80, 45),
diagnostic_warning = hsl(30, 100, 50),
diagnostic_info = hsl(145, 80, 30),
diagnostic_hint = hsl(145, 80, 30),
popup_error_bg = hsl(0, 90, 99),
popup_warning_bg = hsl(27, 90, 99),
popup_info_bg = hsl(112, 90, 99),
popup_hint_bg = hsl(112, 90, 99),
add = hsl(84, 50, 80),
add_quarter = hsl(84, 80, 95),
change = hsl(41, 80, 80),
change_quarter = hsl(224, 100, 85),
delete = hsl(350, 100, 40),
delete_quarter = hsl(350, 100, 85),
dialog_bg = hsl(224, 5, 92),
selection = hsl(270, 75, 92),
highlight_subtle = hsl(0, 0, 94),
highlight_intense = hsl(42, 100, 30),
dimmed = hsl(0, 0, 80),
dimmed_subtle = hsl(0, 0, 20),
dark = {
background = hsl(216, 28, 7),
foreground = hsl(0, 0, 80),
dimmed = hsl(0, 0, 25),
dimmed_subtle = hsl(0, 0, 50),
highlight_subtle = hsl(0, 0, 6),
highlight_intense = hsl(58, 100, 60),
string = hsl(96, 50, 70),
comment = hsl(220, 50, 60),
comment_error = hsl(2, 85, 50),
diagnostic_error = hsl(353, 100, 45),
diagnostic_warning = hsl(30, 100, 50),
diagnostic_info = hsl(176, 80, 60),
diagnostic_hint = hsl(176, 80, 60),
popup_error_bg = hsl(0, 95, 7),
popup_warning_bg = hsl(27, 95, 7),
popup_info_bg = hsl(112, 95, 7),
popup_hint_bg = hsl(112, 95, 7),
add = hsl(100, 100, 12),
add_quarter = hsl(84, 80, 15),
change = hsl(41, 100, 15),
change_quarter = hsl(224, 100, 15),
delete = hsl(350, 100, 40),
delete_quarter = hsl(350, 100, 15),
dialog_bg = hsl(216, 25, 20),
selection = hsl(270, 50, 33),
local c = colors[vim.o.background]
local theme = {
Normal = { fg = c.foreground, bg = c.background },
Constant = { link = "NormalNC" },
Delimiter = { link = "NormalNC" },
Identifier = { link = "NormalNC" },
Keyword = { fg = c.foreground, bold = true },
Operator = { link = "NormalNC" },
Special = { link = "NormalNC" },
Type = { link = "NormalNC" },
String = { fg = c.string },
Comment = { fg = c.comment, italic = true, bold = true },
CommentError = { fg = c.comment_error, italic = true, bold = true },
["@comment.note"] = { link = "Comment" },
["@comment.todo"] = { link = "CommentError" },
["@comment.error"] = { link = "CommentError" },
["@comment.warning"] = { link = "CommentError" },
DiffAdd = { fg = c.add, bg = c.add_quarter },
GitSignsAdd = { fg = c.add, bg = c.background },
GitSignsAddNr = { link = "DiffAdd" },
DiffChange = { fg = c.change, bg = c.change_quarter },
GitSignsChange = { fg = c.change, bg = c.background },
GitSignsChangeNr = { link = "DiffChange" },
DiffDelete = { fg = c.delete, bg = c.delete_quarter },
GitSignsDelete = { fg = c.delete, bg = c.background },
GitSignsDeleteNr = { link = "DiffDelete" },
-- Treesitter
["@function"] = { link = "NormalNC" },
["@special"] = { link = "NormalNC" },
["@variable"] = { link = "NormalNC" },
["@lsp.type.variable"] = { fg = c.dimmed_subtle },
-- UI Elements
CursorLine = { bg = c.highlight_subtle },
DiagnosticError = { fg = c.diagnostic_error, italic = true },
DiagnosticFloatingError = { fg = c.diagnostic_error, bg = c.popup_error_bg },
DiagnosticFloatingWarn = { fg = c.diagnostic_warning, bg = c.popup_warning_bg },
DiagnosticFloatingInfo = { fg = c.diagnostic_info, bg = c.popup_info_bg },
DiagnosticFloatingHint = { fg = c.diagnostic_hint, bg = c.popup_hint_bg },
DiagnosticUnderlineError = { fg = c.diagnostic_error, undercurl = true },
DiagnosticUnderlineWarn = { fg = c.diagnostic_warn, undercurl = true },
DiagnosticUnderlineInfo = { fg = c.diagnostic_info, undercurl = true },
DiagnosticUnderlinehint = { fg = c.diagnostic_hint, undercurl = true },
DiagnosticSignError = { fg = c.diagnostic_error },
DiagnosticSignHint = { fg = c.diagnostic_hint },
DiagnosticSignInfo = { fg = c.diagnostic_info },
DiagnosticSignWarn = { fg = c.diagnostic_warning },
LineNr = { fg = c.dimmed, italic = true },
IndentLine = { fg = c.background },
IndentLineCurrent = { fg = c.dimmed },
TreesitterContext = { reverse = true },
TreesitterContextLineNumber = { bg = c.dimmed, reverse = true, italic = true },
InclineNormal = { bg = c.background },
InclineNormalNC = { bg = c.background },
WinSeparator = { bg = c.dialog_bg },
NormalFloat = { bg = c.dialog_bg },
Title = { fg = c.foreground, bold = true },
NoiceMini = { fg = c.foreground, italic = true },
TelescopeNormal = { fg = c.foreground, bg = c.background },
TelescopeBorder = { bold = true },
TelescopeSelection = { bg = c.selection },
TelescopeResultsNormal = { fg = c.foreground, bold = true },
TelescopeResultsComment = { fg = c.dimmed_subtle, italic = true, bold = false },
Visual = { bg = c.selection },
LspReferenceText = { fg = c.highlight_intense, undercurl = true },
vim.cmd("hi clear")
if vim.fn.exists("syntax_on") == 1 then
vim.cmd("syntax reset")
for group, hl in pairs(theme) do
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, group, hl)
vim.g.colors_name = "dieter"

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@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
local colors = {
light = {
foreground = "#202020",
intense = "#000000",
primary = "#ff0000",
secondary = "#00ff00",
diagnostic_error = "#ff0038",
diagnostic_warning = "#ff7700",
diagnostic_info = "#47eae0",
diagnostic_hint = "#47eae0",
diff_add = "#00ff77",
diff_change = "#47eae0",
diff_delete = "#ff0038",
highlight_subtle = "#f0f0f0",
dimmed = "#cccccc",
dark = {
foreground = "#b2b2b2",
intense = "#e7e7e7",
primary = "#00ff00",
secondary = "#555555",
diagnostic_error = "#ff0038",
diagnostic_warning = "#ff7700",
diagnostic_info = "#47eae0",
diagnostic_hint = "#47eae0",
diff_add = "#00ff77",
diff_change = "#47eae0",
diff_delete = "#ff0038",
dimmed = "#666666",
highlight_subtle = "#101010",
local c = colors[vim.o.background]
local theme = {
Constant = { fg = c.foreground },
Delimiter = { fg = c.foreground },
Identifier = { fg = c.foreground },
Normal = { fg = c.foreground },
Keyword = { fg = c.foreground, bold = true },
Operator = { fg = c.foreground },
Special = { fg = c.foreground },
String = { fg = c.foreground },
Type = { fg = c.foreground },
["@function"] = { fg = c.foreground },
["@special"] = { fg = c.foreground },
["@variable"] = { fg = c.foreground },
-- UI Elements
CursorLine = { bg = c.highlight_subtle },
LineNr = { fg = c.dimmed, italic = true },
IndentLine = { fg = "#ffffff" },
IndentLineCurrent = { fg = c.dimmed },
TreesitterContext = { reverse = true },
TreesitterContextLineNumber = { bg = c.dimmed, reverse = true, italic = true },
vim.cmd("hi clear")
if vim.fn.exists("syntax_on") == 1 then
vim.cmd("syntax reset")
for group, hl in pairs(theme) do
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, group, hl)
vim.g.colors_name = "sumi-e"