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= PatOS - Patagia OS

image::https://ci.patagia.dev/api/badges/2/status.svg[Build Status]

PatOS is a minimal, immutable Linux distribution specialized for the Patagia Platform.

== Features

* Immutable read-only system
* Trust chain verification using secure boot and dm-verity
* Automatic updates and unattended rollbacks
* Host/TPM bound data encryption by default

== Roadmap and status

|Feature |Status

| A/B root partitions with discoverable partitions
| ✅

| Verity protection of root partitions
| ✅

| Encrypted state partition with tpm2 host binding
| ✅

| Factory reset / clearing of state partition
| ✅

| Automatic updates
| ⚠️

| Installer
| ❌

| Machine registration and provisioning
| ❌

| Boot assessment w/automatic rollback
| ❌


== Community

* Source code: https://patagia.dev/Patagia/patos

== License

Copyright (C) 2024 Patagia AB

Unless otherwise noted, all components are licenced under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.