holiday tinkering
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 243 additions and 196 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Xft.dpi: 240
!Xft.dpi: 96
!Xft.dpi: 210
Xft.dpi: 144
Xft.antialias: 1
Xft.rgba: rgb
Xft.hinting: 1
@ -112,3 +112,5 @@ fi
source $HOME/.bash_aliases
source $HOME/.bash_exports
source $HOME/.bash_prompt
[ -f ~/.fzf.bash ] && source ~/.fzf.bash
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"languageserver": {
"golang": {
"command": "bingo",
"rootPatterns": ["go.mod", ".vim/", ".git/", ".hg/"],
"filetypes": ["go"]
@ -298,11 +298,13 @@ endfun
call <sid>hi("Visual", s:cyan_a100, s:blue_900, "")
call <sid>hi("Folded", s:purple_100, s:purple_900, "")
call <sid>hi("NonText", s:grey_800, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Bookmark", s:black_1000, s:lime_200, "none")
call <sid>hi("Bookmark", s:black_1000, s:yellow_300, "none")
call <sid>hi("Todo", s:yellow_a100, s:yellow_900, "none")
call <sid>hi("SignColumn", s:blue_grey_100, s:blue_grey_900, "")
call <sid>hi("SignColumn", s:blue_grey_100, s:black_1000, "")
call <sid>hi("VertSplit", s:blue_grey_800, s:blue_grey_300, "")
call <sid>hi("LineNr", s:blue_grey_700, s:black_1000, "italic")
call <sid>hi("CursorLine", "", "#171717", "")
call <sid>hi("CursorLineNR", s:blue_grey_200, s:blue_grey_900, "")
call <sid>hi("Normal", s:white_1000, "", "")
call <sid>hi("Bold", "", "", "bold")
call <sid>hi("Italic", "", "", "italic")
@ -341,5 +343,10 @@ call <sid>hi("goDeclaration", s:deep_purple_200, "", "none")
call <sid>hi("goReceiverType", s:cyan_200, "", "none")
call <sid>hi("goMethodCall", s:brown_100, "", "none")
call <sid>hi("goField", s:cyan_50, "", "none")
call <sid>hi("goFunctionCall", s:brown_200, "", "none")
call <sid>hi("goFunctionCall", s:blue_grey_200, "", "none")
call <sid>hi("goSameId", s:lime_a400, "", "italic")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterAdd", s:light_green_500, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterChange",s:light_blue_300, "", "")
call <sid>hi("GitGutterDelete",s:yellow_300, "", "")
call <sid>hi("ALEErrorSign",s:black_1000, s:red_400, "none")
call <sid>hi("ALEWarningSign",s:orange_200, "", "none")
@ -2,56 +2,83 @@
" set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call plug#begin('~/.local/share/nvim/plugged')
" Plugins
Plug 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'
Plug 'acarapetis/vim-colors-github'
Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
Plug 'b4b4r07/vim-hcl'
Plug 'bazelbuild/vim-bazel'
Plug 'cespare/vim-toml'
Plug 'djoshea/vim-autoread'
Plug 'ervandew/supertab'
" Autocomplete
" Plug 'ncm2/ncm2'
" Plug 'roxma/nvim-yarp'
" Plug 'ncm2/ncm2-bufword'
" Plug 'ncm2/ncm2-tmux'
" Plug 'ncm2/ncm2-path'
" Plug 'ncm2/ncm2-go'
" Plug 'ncm2/ncm2-racer'
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'tag': '*', 'do': { -> coc#util#install()}}
" Plugin outside ~/.vim/plugged with post-update hook
Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'dir': '~/.fzf', 'do': './install --all' }
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
" Markdown
Plug 'jtratner/vim-flavored-markdown'
Plug 'tpope/vim-markdown'
" remove trailing whitespace
Plug 'bronson/vim-trailing-whitespace'
" comment lines out (gc in visual mode)
Plug 'tomtom/tcomment_vim'
" Pimped out bar at the bottom of current buffer
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
" Golang
Plug 'fatih/vim-go'
Plug 'gerw/vim-HiLinkTrace'
Plug 'godlygeek/tabular'
Plug 'google/vim-jsonnet'
Plug 'google/vim-maktaba'
Plug 'mdempsky/gocode'
" Bazel
Plug 'bazelbuild/vim-bazel'
Plug 'bazelbuild/vim-ft-bzl'
" Rust
Plug 'racer-rust/vim-racer'
Plug 'roxma/nvim-cm-racer'
Plug 'rust-lang/rust.vim'
" Terraform
Plug 'b4b4r07/vim-hcl'
Plug 'hashivim/vim-terraform'
" Jsonnet filetype plugin
Plug 'google/vim-jsonnet'
" toml
Plug 'cespare/vim-toml'
" Plug 'ervandew/supertab'
Plug 'google/vim-maktaba'
Plug 'jremmen/vim-ripgrep'
Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align'
Plug 'junegunn/fzf'
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
Plug 'junegunn/goyo.vim'
Plug 'junegunn/gv.vim'
Plug 'junegunn/vim-peekaboo'
Plug 'kshenoy/vim-signature'
Plug 'Matt-Deacalion/vim-systemd-syntax'
Plug 'NLKNguyen/papercolor-theme'
Plug 'plasticboy/vim-markdown'
Plug 'rakr/vim-one'
Plug 'rust-lang/rust.vim'
Plug 'sebdah/vim-delve'
Plug 'Shougo/neosnippet.vim'
Plug 'Shougo/neosnippet-snippets'
Plug 'tomtom/tcomment_vim'
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
Plug 'tyrannicaltoucan/vim-quantum'
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline'
Plug 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes'
Plug 'vim-syntastic/syntastic'
" Plug 'vim-syntastic/syntastic'
Plug 'w0rp/ale'
" Autocomplete
Plug 'ncm2/ncm2'
Plug 'roxma/nvim-yarp'
Plug 'ncm2/ncm2-bufword'
Plug 'ncm2/ncm2-tmux'
Plug 'ncm2/ncm2-path'
Plug 'ncm2/ncm2-go'
Plug 'ncm2/ncm2-racer'
" Git
Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter'
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
Plug 'junegunn/gv.vim'
call plug#end()
" language en_US
set encoding=utf8
set ffs=unix,dos,mac
set ttimeout
set ttimeoutlen=0
" set timeoutlen=150
@ -77,6 +104,7 @@ set smartindent " Don't mess with comments
set nojoinspaces
set autochdir
set autoread "Reload files changed outside vim
set nofoldenable " disable folding
" Wordwrap
@ -98,9 +126,11 @@ set whichwrap+=<,>,h,l
set wrap
"" GUI
set novisualbell
set visualbell
set noerrorbells
set ruler
set cursorline
set guicursor=n-v-c:block,i-ci-ve:ver25,r-cr:hor20,o:hor50
set number " line numbers
set numberwidth=6
set lz " lazy redraw
@ -118,7 +148,7 @@ set wildignore=*.swp,*.bak,*.pyc,*.class
set splitbelow " Preview window
set splitright
" let mapleader=","
let mapleader=","
"" Session
let g:session_autosave = 'no'
@ -173,14 +203,14 @@ map ,H :echo "hi<" . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") . '> trans<'
let g:explHideFiles='^\.,.*\.class$,.*\.swp$,.*\.pyc$,.*\.swo$,\.DS_Store$,/tmp/v\d\d*'
let g:explDetailedHelp=1
"" Backup
"" Backup
set backup
set backupcopy=yes
set backupdir=~/.vim/backup,~/.tmp,~/tmp,/var/tmp,/tmp"
set directory=~/.vim/backup,~/.tmp,~/tmp,/var/tmp,/tmp"
let myvar = strftime("%y%m%d-%H%M")
let myvar = "set backupext=_". myvar
execute myvar
execute myvar
au BufWritePre * let &backupext = substitute(expand("%:p"), "\/", "_", "g")
set wildignore+=*/tmp/*,*.so,*.swp,*.zip,*.class,*/target/*,*/.git/*"
@ -218,13 +248,46 @@ inoremap <C-S-Right> <C-\><C-O>gh<C-O>w
map <silent> <c-/> :TComment<cr>
imap <silent> <c-/> <c--><c-->
"" SCM Stuff
"" Git
let g:SCMDiffCommand = "git"
let VCSCommandDeleteOnHide = 1
let g:git_branch_status_nogit=""
let g:git_branch_status_around="[]"
let g:git_branch_status_text=""
let g:git_branch_status_head_current=1
let g:gitgutter_override_sign_column_highlight = 0
let g:gitgutter_sign_added = ''
let g:gitgutter_sign_modified = ''
let g:gitgutter_sign_removed = ''
let g:gitgutter_sign_removed_first_line = ''
let g:gitgutter_sign_modified_removed = ''
"" Syntastic
let g:syntastic_always_populate_loc_list = 1
let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list = 1
let g:syntastic_check_on_open = 1
let g:syntastic_check_on_wq = 0
let g:syntastic_enable_signs = 1
let g:syntastic_error_symbol = "✗"
let syntastic_style_error_symbol = "✗"
let g:syntastic_warning_symbol = "∙∙"
let syntastic_style_warning_symbol = "∙∙"
"" ALE
let g:airline#extensions#ale#enabled = 1
let g:ale_sign_column_always = 1
let g:ale_sign_error = '' " ﱥ ﬡ 樂
let g:ale_sign_warning = ''
" let g:ale_linters = {'go': ['gofmt']}
" let g:ale_linters = {'go': ['go build', 'gofmt', 'golint', 'gometalinter', 'gosimple', 'go vet', 'staticcheck']}
" let g:ale_linters = {'go': ['gofmt', 'golint', 'gometalinter', 'gosimple', 'go vet', 'staticcheck']}
let g:ale_linters = {'go': ['gofmt', 'gometalinter']}
let g:go_gometalinter_options = join([
\ '--fast'
\ ], ' ')
nmap <silent> <C-k> <Plug>(ale_previous_wrap)
nmap <silent> <C-j> <Plug>(ale_next_wrap)
"" Buffer navigation
map <silent> ` :b#<CR>
@ -239,7 +302,7 @@ nmap <silent> ,/ :let @/=""<CR>
au BufNewFile,BufRead manifest setlocal ft=json
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.aurora set filetype=python
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.aurora set filetype=python
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.avdl setlocal ft=avro-idl
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.avpr setlocal ft=json
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.bazel setlocal ft=bzl
@ -247,13 +310,13 @@ au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cql set syntax=cql
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.go setlocal ft=go
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.g setlocal ft=antlr
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.js set ft=javascript
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.json setfiletype json
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.json setfiletype json
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.pig set filetype=pig syntax=pig
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.template setfiletype json
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.template setfiletype json
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.thrift setlocal ft=thrift
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.upstart set filetype=upstart
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.upstart.conf set filetype=upstart
au BufNewFile,BufRead SCons* set filetype=python
au BufNewFile,BufRead SCons* set filetype=python
"" JavaScript, Json
let g:vim_json_syntax_conceal = 0
@ -294,9 +357,81 @@ let g:pymode_lint = 0
let g:pymode_lint_checker = "pyflakes"
" enable ncm2 for all buffers
autocmd BufEnter * call ncm2#enable_for_buffer()
" autocmd BufEnter * call ncm2#enable_for_buffer()
set completeopt=noinsert,menuone,noselect
"" COC completion
" Use tab for trigger completion with characters ahead and navigate.
" Use command ':verbose imap <tab>' to make sure tab is not mapped by other plugin.
inoremap <silent><expr> <TAB>
\ pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" :
\ <SID>check_back_space() ? "\<TAB>" :
\ coc#refresh()
inoremap <expr><S-TAB> pumvisible() ? "\<C-p>" : "\<C-h>"
function! s:check_back_space() abort
let col = col('.') - 1
return !col || getline('.')[col - 1] =~# '\s'
" Use <c-space> for trigger completion.
inoremap <silent><expr> <c-space> coc#refresh()
" Use <cr> for confirm completion, `<C-g>u` means break undo chain at current position.
" Coc only does snippet and additional edit on confirm.
inoremap <expr> <cr> pumvisible() ? "\<C-y>" : "\<C-g>u\<CR>"
" Use `[c` and `]c` for navigate diagnostics
nmap <silent> [c <Plug>(coc-diagnostic-prev)
nmap <silent> ]c <Plug>(coc-diagnostic-next)
" Remap keys for gotos
nmap <silent> gd <Plug>(coc-definition)
nmap <silent> gy <Plug>(coc-type-definition)
nmap <silent> gi <Plug>(coc-implementation)
nmap <silent> gr <Plug>(coc-references)
" Use K for show documentation in preview window
nnoremap <silent> K :call <SID>show_documentation()<CR>
function! s:show_documentation()
if &filetype == 'vim'
execute 'h '.expand('<cword>')
call CocAction('doHover')
" Highlight symbol under cursor on CursorHold
autocmd CursorHold * silent call CocActionAsync('highlight')
" Remap for rename current word
nmap <leader>rn <Plug>(coc-rename)
" Remap for format selected region
vmap <leader>f <Plug>(coc-format-selected)
nmap <leader>f <Plug>(coc-format-selected)
augroup mygroup
" Setup formatexpr specified filetype(s).
autocmd FileType typescript,json setl formatexpr=CocAction('formatSelected')
" Update signature help on jump placeholder
autocmd User CocJumpPlaceholder call CocActionAsync('showSignatureHelp')
augroup end
" Remap for do codeAction of selected region, ex: `<leader>aap` for current paragraph
vmap <leader>a <Plug>(coc-codeaction-selected)
nmap <leader>a <Plug>(coc-codeaction-selected)
" Remap for do codeAction of current line
nmap <leader>ac <Plug>(coc-codeaction)
" Fix autofix problem of current line
nmap <leader>qf <Plug>(coc-fix-current)
" tags
set tags=./tags;/
@ -307,7 +442,7 @@ function! EnhanceCppSyntax()
syn match cppFuncDef "::\~\?\zs\h\w*\ze([^)]*\()\s*\(const\)\?\)\?$"
hi def link cppFuncDef Special
autocmd Syntax cpp call EnhanceCppSyntax()
autocmd Syntax cpp call EnhanceCppSyntax()
autocmd FileType cpp setlocal expandtab shiftwidth=2 tabstop=2 softtabstop=2
@ -340,32 +475,6 @@ let g:fzf_colors =
\ 'spinner': ['fg', 'Label'],
\ 'header': ['fg', 'Normal'] }
"" Color theme
if $TERM =~ '^xterm'
set t_Co=256
elseif $TERM =~ '^screen'
set t_Co=256 " just guessing
elseif $TERM =~ '^rxvt'
set t_Co=256
elseif $TERM =~ '^linux'
set t_Co=8
set t_Co=16
if &term =~ "xterm" || &term =~ "screen" || &term == "screen"
set t_Co=256
if has("terminfo")
let &t_Sf=nr2char(27).'[3%p1%dm'
let &t_Sb=nr2char(27).'[4%p1%dm'
let &t_Sf=nr2char(27).'[3%dm'
let &t_Sb=nr2char(27).'[4%dm'
" Show syntax highlight group in the status bar
map ,h :echo "hi<" . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),1),"name") . '> trans<'
\ . synIDattr(synID(line("."),col("."),0),"name") . "> lo<"
@ -375,89 +484,9 @@ set background=dark
let g:one_allow_italics=1
let g:PaperColor_Light_Override = { 'Background' : '#fefe00' }
let g:lightline = {
\ 'colorscheme': 'jellybeans',
\ 'active': {
\ 'left': [ [ 'mode', 'paste'],
\ [ 'fugitive', 'filename', 'modified'],
\ [ 'go'] ],
\ 'right': [ [ 'lineinfo' ],
\ [ 'percent' ],
\ [ 'fileformat', 'fileencoding', 'filetype' ] ]
\ },
\ 'component_function': {
\ 'fileencoding': 'LightLineFileencoding',
\ 'fileformat': 'LightLineFileformat',
\ 'filename': 'LightLineFilename',
\ 'filetype': 'LightLineFiletype',
\ 'fugitive': 'LightLineFugitive',
\ 'go': 'LightLineGo',
\ 'lineinfo': 'LightLineInfo',
\ 'mode': 'LightLineMode',
\ 'modified': 'LightLineModified',
\ 'percent': 'LightLinePercent',
\ }
\ }
function! LightLineModified()
if &filetype == "help"
return ""
elseif &modified
return "+"
elseif &modifiable
return ""
return ""
function! LightLineFileformat()
return winwidth(0) > 70 ? &fileformat : ''
function! LightLineFiletype()
return winwidth(0) > 70 ? (strlen(&filetype) ? &filetype : 'no ft') : ''
function! LightLineFileencoding()
return winwidth(0) > 70 ? (strlen(&fenc) ? &fenc : &enc) : ''
function! LightLineInfo()
return winwidth(0) > 60 ? printf("%3d:%-2d", line('.'), col('.')) : ''
function! LightLinePercent()
return &ft =~? (100 * line('.') / line('$')) . '%'
function! LightLineFugitive()
return exists('*fugitive#head') ? fugitive#head() : ''
function! LightLineGo()
" return ''
return exists('*go#jobcontrol#Statusline') ? go#jobcontrol#Statusline() : ''
function! LightLineMode()
return lightline#mode()
function! LightLineFilename()
return expand('%:p:~')
function! LightLineReadonly()
return &ft !~? 'help' && &readonly ? '' : ''
" set statusline+=%#warningmsg#
" set statusline+=%{SyntasticStatuslineFlag()}
" set statusline+=%*
" Golang
let g:go_highlight_build_constraints = 1
let g:go_highlight_build_constraints = 1
let g:go_highlight_extra_types = 1
let g:go_highlight_fields = 1
let g:go_highlight_functions = 1
@ -478,18 +507,6 @@ autocmd FileType go nmap <Leader>i <Plug>(go-info)
autocmd FileType go nmap <S-k> <Plug>(go-doc)
autocmd FileType go nmap <Leader>d <Plug>(go-doc-vertical)
let g:ale_sign_column_always = 1
" let g:ale_linters = {'go': ['gofmt']}
" let g:ale_linters = {'go': ['go build', 'gofmt', 'golint', 'gometalinter', 'gosimple', 'go vet', 'staticcheck']}
" let g:ale_linters = {'go': ['gofmt', 'golint', 'gometalinter', 'gosimple', 'go vet', 'staticcheck']}
let g:ale_linters = {'go': ['gofmt', 'gometalinter']}
let g:ale_sign_error = '⤫'
let g:ale_sign_warning = '⚠'
let g:airline#extensions#ale#enabled = 1
let g:go_gometalinter_options = join([
\ '--fast'
\ ], ' ')
"" Neosnippet
" imap <C-k> <Plug>(neosnippet_expand_or_jump)
@ -510,17 +527,33 @@ let g:vim_markdown_frontmatter = 1
let g:vim_markdown_toml_frontmatter = 1
"" Git
let g:gitgutter_override_sign_column_highlight = 0
let g:gitgutter_sign_added = '🞥'
let g:gitgutter_sign_modified = '▲'
let g:gitgutter_sign_removed = '🞬'
let g:gitgutter_sign_removed_first_line = '🞬'
let g:gitgutter_sign_modified_removed = '🞬'
"" Airline
" let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
let g:airline_theme='cool'
let g:airline_theme='distinguished'
let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
let g:airline_skip_empty_sections = 1
let g:airline#parts#ffenc#skip_expected_string='utf-8[unix]'
let g:airline_section_x = '' " Hide file type
let g:airline_section_z = "\uf0c9 %l \ufb87 %c"
let g:airline_mode_map = {
\ '__' : '-',
\ 'c' : 'C',
\ 'i' : 'I',
\ 'ic' : 'I',
\ 'ix' : 'I',
\ 'n' : "\ue62b",
\ 'ni' : "\ue62b",
\ 'no' : "\ue62b",
\ 'R' : 'R',
\ 'Rv' : 'R',
\ 's' : 'S',
\ 'S' : 'S',
\ '' : 'S',
\ 't' : 'T',
\ 'v' : 'V',
\ 'V' : 'V',
\ '' : 'V',
\ }
"" Terminal
@ -532,17 +565,7 @@ let &t_8b = "<Esc>[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum"
" color dln-light
color dln-dark
" highlight LineNr ctermfg=31 ctermbg=234 cterm=italic
" highlight CursorLine ctermfg=159 ctermbg=24
" highlight SignColumn ctermbg=234
" highlight Search ctermbg=237 ctermfg=none cterm=none
highlight GitGutterAdd ctermbg=234 ctermfg=58
highlight GitGutterChange ctermbg=234 ctermfg=220
highlight GitGutterDelete ctermbg=234 ctermfg=124
highlight GitGutterChangeDelete ctermbg=234 ctermfg=88
map ,l :color dln-light<CR>
map ,l :color dln-dark<CR>
let s:hidden_all = 1
set noshowmode
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
rofi.font: IBM Plex Sans 16
rofi.dpi: 240
rofi.dpi: 210
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ bind -n M-7 select-window -t 7
bind -n M-8 select-window -t 8
bind -n M-9 select-window -t 9
bind -n M-0 select-window -t 10
bind -n M-m send-keys -t 9 q C-u "clear; tmux clear-history -t 9" C-m C-p C-p C-p C-m
bind 1 select-window -t 1
bind 2 select-window -t 2
bind 3 select-window -t 3
@ -87,10 +88,12 @@ setw -g window-status-format ""
setw -g window-status-current-format "#W"
setw -g window-status-separator ""
set -g status-fg "#aaaaaa"
set -g status-bg "#222222"
set -g status-left '#[bg=#114400,fg=#77aa22] #I #[bg=#334455,fg=#7799aa] #h #[default] '
set -g status-right '#[fg=#666666]|#[bg=#222222,fg=#99cc99] #{?#(tmux show-buffer -b project),#(tmux show-buffer -b project),-} #[bg=#222222,fg=#666666]| #{battery_percentage} #{battery_remain} | #(date +"%R") '
set -g status-fg "#6699aa"
set -g status-bg "#1a2a3a"
set -g status-left '#[bg=#0055aa,fg=#aabbcc] #I #[default] '
# set -g status-right '#[fg=#666666]|#[bg=#222222,fg=#99cc99] #{?#(tmux show-buffer -b project),#(tmux show-buffer -b project),-} #[bg=#222222,fg=#666666]| #{battery_percentage} #{battery_remain} | %a %h-%d %H:%M | #(date +"%R") '
set -g status-right '#{battery_icon} #{battery_percentage} %a %h-%d %H:%M '
if-shell '[[ $(hostname) = "dredd" ]]' 'set -g status-left "#[bg=#114400,fg=#77aa22] #I #[bg=#0055aa,fg=#aabbcc] #h #[default] "'
if-shell '[[ $(hostname) != "dredd" ]]' 'set -g status-left "#[bg=#114400,fg=#77aa22] #I #[bg=#339900,fg=#000000] #h #[default] "'
@ -267,3 +267,7 @@ alias xc='xclip -selection clipboard'
[ -f ~/.fzf.zsh ] && source ~/.fzf.zsh
export PATH="$HOME/.yarn/bin:$HOME/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/.bin:$PATH"
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
lpass login --trust
lp-ssh-add ssh/id_rsa
lp-ssh-add ssh/id_rsa_seed_infra
lp-ssh-add ssh/id_rsa_embark
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Binary file not shown.
Add table
Reference in a new issue