nvim: colorscheme
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 208 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
return {
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
dependencies = {
config = function()
vim.g.zenbones = {
style = "light",
lightness = "bright",
colorize_diagnostic_underline_text = true,
transparent_background = true,
local lush = require("lush")
local base = require("zenbones")
-- Create some specs
---@diagnostic disable = undefined-global
local specs = lush.parse(function(injected_functions)
-- See https://github.com/rktjmp/lush.nvim/issues/109
local sym = injected_functions.sym
return {
Special({ fg = "#EFEBE9" }),
Normal({ fg = "#f0f0f0" }),
Statement({ fg = "#e0e0e0", gui = "bold" }),
Identifier({ fg = "#e7f0f7" }),
Type({ fg = "#E3F2FD" }),
CursorLine({ bg = "#102030" }),
Error({ fg = "#d9534f", bg = "#110000" }),
CursorLineNr({ fg = "#BCAAA4", bg = "#102030" }),
MsgArea({ fg = "#A1887F", bg = "#f1f1f1" }),
Number({ fg = "#32936F" }),
sym("@field")({ fg = "#E3F2FD" }),
String({ fg = "#C5E1A5", gui = "italic" }),
sym("@string")({ fg = "#C5E1A5", gui = "italic" }),
sym("@type.definition")({ fg = "#CE93D8", gui = "bold" }),
sym("@function")({ fg = "#FFAB91", gui = "bold" }),
-- Comment({ fg = "#114499", gui = "bold,italic" }),
-- Comment({ fg = "#144EE1", gui = "bold,italic" }),
Comment({ fg = "#E0E0E0", gui = "bold,italic" }),
Todo({ fg = "#FF0000", gui = "bold,underline" }),
EndOfBuffer({ fg = "#CBCFE1" }),
CopilotSuggestion({ fg = "#0066cc", gui = "bold,italic" }),
LineNr({ fg = "#9FA8AC", gui = "bold,italic" }),
LineNrAbove({ fg = "#9F080C", gui = "bold,italic" }),
IndentBlanklineContextChar({ fg = "#699FB5", gui = "italic" }),
-- Indent1({ fg = "#DFDF9A", gui = "italic" }),
-- Indent2({ fg = "#BAE1FF", gui = "italic" }),
-- Indent3({ fg = "#BAFFC9", gui = "italic" }),
-- Indent4({ fg = "#FFB3BA", gui = "italic" }),
-- Indent5({ fg = "#FFDFBA", gui = "italic" }),
-- Indent6({ fg = "#F3E5F5", gui = "italic" }),
NormalFloat({ bg = "#263238" }),
FloatBorder({ fg = "#FFB74D", bg = "#263238" }),
TelescopeNormal({ bg = "#263238" }),
TelescopeBorder({ fg = "#78909C", bg = "#263238" }),
TelescopeSelection({ fg = "#FFF8E1", bg = "#01579B" }),
DiagnosticSignError({ fg = "#ff2200", bg = "#220000", gui = "bold" }),
DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo({ fg = "#0033bb", bg = "#f7fcff", gui = "bold,italic" }),
DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn({ fg = "#bb2200", bg = "#110000", gui = "bold,italic" }),
DiagnosticVirtualTextError({ fg = "#ff2200", bg = "#110000", gui = "italic" }),
DiagnosticUnderlineError({ fg = "#ff0000", gui = "undercurl" }),
DiagnosticUnderlineWarn({ fg = "#ff7700", gui = "undercurl" }),
DiagnosticUnderlineInfo({ fg = "#3366cc", gui = "undercurl" }),
MarkSignHL({ fg = "#009688", bg = "#E0F7FA" }),
MarkSignNumHL({ fg = "#B2DFDB", bg = "#E0F7FA" }),
GitSignsAdd({ fg = "#81C784" }),
GitSignsAddNr({ fg = "#C8E6C9" }),
GitSignsDelete({ fg = "#E53935" }),
GitSignsDeleteNr({ fg = "#FFCDD2" }),
GitSignsChange({ fg = "#FFA726" }),
GitSignsChangeNr({ fg = "#FFE0B2" }),
Hlargs({ fg = "#FFF8E1" }),
IlluminatedWordText({ fg = "#FFA000" }),
NotifyBackground({ bg = "#FFF8D6" }),
NavicIcons({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsFile({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsModule({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsNamespace({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsPackage({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsClass({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsMethod({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsProperty({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsField({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsConstructor({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsEnum({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsInterface({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsFunction({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsVariable({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsConstant({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsString({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsNumber({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsBoolean({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsArray({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsObject({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsKey({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsKeyword({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsNull({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsEnumMember({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsStruct({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsEvent({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsOperator({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicIconsTypeParameter({ fg = "#cc0000" }),
NavicText({ fg = "#cc0000", gui = "italic" }),
-- LspCodeLens({ fg = "#00ff00", gui = "undercurl" }),
-- LspSignatureActiveParameter({ fg = "#ff0000", bg = "#ffffcc" }),
NoiceCmdlinePopup({ bg = "#263238" }),
NoiceMini({ bg = "#263238" }),
PMenu({ bg = "#263238" }),
PMenuBorder({ bg = "#F7F5F0", fg = "#886622" }),
PMenuSel({ fg = "#FFFFFF", bg = "#1976D2" }),
PMenuSbar({ bg = "#90CAF9" }),
PMenuThumb({ bg = "#64B5F6" }),
StatusLine({ base = base.VertSplit, fg = "#BCAAA4" }),
StatusLineNC({ base = base.VertSplit, fg = "#BCAAA4" }),
TreesitterContext({ bg = "#f0f0f0", fg = "#BCAAA4", gui = "bold,italic" }),
TreesitterContextLineNumber({ bg = "#f0f0f0", fg = "#979770", gui = "bold,italic" }),
-- Apply specs using lush tool-chain
vim.cmd([[colorscheme zenbones]])
-- {
-- "rebelot/kanagawa.nvim",
-- name = "kanagawa",
-- lazy = false,
-- priority = 1000,
-- config = function()
-- require("kanagawa").setup({
-- commentStyle = { bold = true, italic = true },
-- functionStyle = {},
-- keywordStyle = {},
-- statementStyle = { bold = true },
-- typeStyle = {},
-- variablebuiltinStyle = { italic = true },
-- transparent = true, -- do not set background color
-- colors = {
-- fujiWhite = "#FFFFFF",
-- },
-- overrides = {},
-- theme = "default", -- Load "default" theme or the experimental "light" theme
-- })
-- -- vim.cmd([[colorscheme kanagawa ]])
-- end,
-- },
-- {
-- "catppuccin/nvim",
-- name = "catppuccin",
-- lazy = false,
-- priority = 1000,
-- config = function()
-- require("catppuccin").setup({
-- flavour = "mocha", -- latte, frappe, macchiato, mocha
-- background = {
-- light = "latte",
-- dark = "latte",
-- },
-- transparent_background = true,
-- show_end_of_buffer = true,
-- styles = {
-- comments = { "bold,italic" },
-- conditionals = {},
-- loops = {},
-- functions = {},
-- keywords = {},
-- strings = { "italic" },
-- variables = {},
-- numbers = {},
-- booleans = {},
-- properties = {},
-- types = {},
-- operators = {},
-- },
-- custom_highlights = function(colors)
-- return {
-- Comment = { fg = colors.blue },
-- Keyword = { fg = colors.rosewater },
-- ["@keyword"] = { fg = colors.rosewater },
-- ["@keyword.operator"] = { fg = colors.rosewater },
-- ["@keyword.function"] = { fg = colors.rosewater },
-- ["@keyword.return"] = { fg = colors.rosewater },
-- ["@constant.builtin"] = { fg = colors.peach, style = {} },
-- -- ["@comment"] = { fg = colors.blue, style = { "bold,italic" } },
-- }
-- end,
-- })
-- vim.cmd([[colorscheme catppuccin ]])
-- end,
-- },
Add table
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