fish: add broot for jumping directory
This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 1511 additions and 13 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
# This configuration file lets you
# - define new commands
# - change the shortcut or triggering keys of built-in verbs
# - change the colors
# - set default values for flags
# - set special behaviors on specific paths
# - and more...
# Configuration documentation is available at
# This file's format is Hjson ( ). Some
# properties are commented out. To enable them, remove the `#`.
# Default flags
# You can set up flags you want broot to start with by
# default, for example `default_flags="-ihp"` if you usually want
# to see hidden and gitignored files and the permissions (then
# if you don't want the hidden files at a specific launch,
# you can launch broot with `br -H`).
# A popular flag is the `g` one which displays git related info.
# default_flags:
# Terminal's title
# If you want the terminal's title to be updated when you change
# directory, set a terminal_title pattern by uncommenting one of
# the examples below and tuning it to your taste.
# terminal_title: "[broot] {git-name}"
# terminal_title: "{file} 🐄"
# terminal_title: "-= {file-name} =-"
# Date/Time format
# If you want to change the format for date/time, uncomment the
# following line and change it according to
# date_time_format: %Y/%m/%d %R
# uncomment to activate modal mode
# (you really should read
# before as it may not suit everybody even among vim users)
# You may start either in 'command' mode, or in 'input' mode
# modal: true
# initial_mode: command
# Whether to mark the selected line with a triangle
show_selection_mark: true
# Column order
# cols_order, if specified, must be a permutation of the following
# array. You should keep the name column at the end as it has a
# variable length.
# cols_order: [
# mark
# git
# size
# permission
# date
# count
# branch
# name
# ]
# True Colors
# If this parameter isn't set, broot tries to automatically
# determine whether true colors (24 bits) are available.
# As this process is unreliable, you may uncomment this setting
# and set it to false or true if you notice the colors in
# previewed images are too off.
# true_colors: false
# Icons
# If you want to display icons in broot, uncomment this line
# (see for installation and
# troubleshooting)
# icon_theme: vscode
icon_theme: nerdfont
# Special paths
# If some paths must be handled specially, uncomment (and change
# this section as per the examples)
# Setting "list":"never" on a dir prevents broot from looking at its
# children when searching, unless the dir is the selected root.
# Setting "sum":"never" on a dir prevents broot from looking at its
# children when computing the total size and count of files.
# Setting "show":"always" makes a file visible even if its name
# starts with a dot.
# Setting "list":"always" may be useful on a link to a directory
# (they're otherwise not entered by broot unless selected)
special_paths: {
"/media" : {
list: "never"
sum: "never"
"~/.config": { "show": "always" }
"trav": {
show: always
list: "always",
sum: "never"
# "~/useless": { "show": "never" }
# "~/my-link-I-want-to-explore": { "list": "always" }
# Quit on last cancel
# You can usually cancel the last state change on escape.
# If you want the escape key to quit broot when there's nothing
# to cancel (for example when you just opened broot), uncomment
# this parameter
# quit_on_last_cancel: true
quit_on_last_cancel: true
# Search modes
# broot allows many search modes.
# A search mode is defined by
# - the way to search: 'fuzzy', 'exact', 'regex', or 'tokens'.
# - where to search: file 'name', 'path', or file 'content'
# A search pattern may for example be "fuzzy path" (default),
# "regex content" or "exact path".
# The search mode is selected from its prefix. For example, if
# you type "abc", the default mode is "fuzzy path". If you type
# "/abc", the mode is "regex path". If you type "rn/abc", the mode
# is "regex name".
# This mapping may be modified. You may want to dedicate the
# empty prefix (the one which doesn't need a '/') to the
# search mode you use most often. The example below makes it
# easy to search on name rather than on the subpath.
# More information on
# search_modes: {
# <empty>: fuzzy name
# /: regex name
# }
# File Extension Colors
# uncomment and modify the next section if you want to color
# file name depending on their extension
# ext_colors: {
# png: rgb(255, 128, 75)
# rs: yellow
# }
# Max file size for content search
# Bigger files are ignored when searching their content. You
# can specify this size either in ISO units (eg 5GB) or in
# the old binary units (eg 44Kib)
content_search_max_file_size: 10MB
# Max Panels Count
# Change this if you sometimes want to have more than 2 panels
# open
# max_panels_count: 2
# Update work dir
# By default, broot process' work dir is kept in sync with the
# current's panel root. If you want to keep it unchanged,
# uncomment this setting
# update_work_dir: false
# Kitty Keyboard extension
# If you want to use advanced keyboard shortcuts in Kitty
# compatible terminals (Kitty, Wezterm), set this to true.
# This makes it possible to use shortcuts like 'space-n',
# 'ctrl-alt-a-b', 'shift-space', etc.
enable_kitty_keyboard: true
# lines around matching line in filtered preview
# When searching the content of a file, you can have either
# only the matching lines displayed, or some of the surrounding
# ones too.
lines_before_match_in_preview: 1
lines_after_match_in_preview: 1
# Imports
# While it's possible to have all configuration in one file,
# it's more convenient to split it in several ones.
# Importing also allows to set a condition on the terminal's
# color, which makes it possible to have a different skin
# chosen when your terminal has a light background and when
# it has a light one.
imports: [
# Verbs are better configured in verbs.hjson. But you
# can also add another files for your personal verbs
# This file contains the skin to use when the terminal
# is dark (or when this couldn't be determined)
luma: [
# (un)comment to choose your preferred skin
file: skins/dark-blue.hjson
//file: skins/catppuccin-macchiato.hjson
//file: skins/catppuccin-mocha.hjson
//file: skins/dark-gruvbox.hjson
//file: skins/dark-orange.hjson
//file: skins/solarized-dark.hjson
# This skin is imported when your terminal is light
luma: light
# (un)comment to choose your preferred skin
//file: skins/solarized-light.hjson
file: skins/white.hjson
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
This file tells broot the installation of the br function was done.
If there's a problem and you want to install it again run
broot -- install
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
invocation = "ok"
key = "enter"
leave_broot = true
execution = ":print_path"
apply_to = "directory"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
# A skin for a terminal with a dark background
# This skin uses RGB values so won't work for some
# terminals.
# Created by Majixed
# Based on the catppuccin-mocha theme by A. Taha Baki <>
# Doc at
skin: {
input: rgb(202, 211, 245) none
# fg:none bg:$surface2
selected_line: none rgb(91, 96, 120)
# fg:$text bg:none
default: rgb(202, 211, 245) none
# fg:$overlay0 bg:none
tree: rgb(110, 115, 141) none
# fg:$sapphire bg:none
parent: rgb(125, 196, 228) none
file: none none
perm__: rgb(184, 192, 224) none
# $peach
perm_r: rgb(245, 169, 127) none
# $maroon
perm_w: rgb(238, 153, 160) none
# $green
perm_x: rgb(166, 218, 149) none
# $teal
owner: rgb(139, 213, 202) none
# $sky
group: rgb(145, 215, 227) none
### DATE
# $subtext1
dates: rgb(184, 192, 224) none
# $lavender
directory: rgb(183, 189, 248) none Bold
# $green
exe: rgb(166, 218, 149) none
# $yellow
link: rgb(238, 212, 159) none
# $subtext0
pruning: rgb(165, 173, 203) none Italic
# fg:$text bg:$mantle
preview_title: rgb(202, 211, 245) rgb(30, 32, 48)
# fg:$text bg:$mantle
preview: rgb(202, 211, 245) rgb(30, 32, 48)
# fg:$overlay0
preview_line_number: rgb(110, 115, 141) none
# fg:$overlay0
preview_separator: rgb(110, 115, 141) none
char_match: rgb(238, 212, 159) rgb(73, 77, 100) Bold Italic
content_match: rgb(238, 212, 159) rgb(73, 77, 100) Bold Italic
preview_match: rgb(238, 212, 159) rgb(73, 77, 100) Bold Italic
# children count
# fg:$yellow bg:none
count: rgb(238, 212, 159) none
sparse: rgb(237, 135, 150) none
content_extract: rgb(237, 135, 150) none Italic
### GIT
git_branch: rgb(245, 169, 127) none
git_insertions: rgb(245, 169, 127) none
git_deletions: rgb(245, 169, 127) none
git_status_current: rgb(245, 169, 127) none
git_status_modified: rgb(245, 169, 127) none
git_status_new: rgb(245, 169, 127) none Bold
git_status_ignored: rgb(245, 169, 127) none
git_status_conflicted: rgb(245, 169, 127) none
git_status_other: rgb(245, 169, 127) none
staging_area_title: rgb(245, 169, 127) none
### FLAG
flag_label: rgb(237, 135, 150) none
flag_value: rgb(237, 135, 150) none Bold
# fg:none #bg:$mantle
status_normal: none rgb(30, 32, 48)
# fg:$red bg:$mantle
status_italic: rgb(237, 135, 150) rgb(30, 32, 48) Italic
# fg:$maroon bg:$mantle
status_bold: rgb(238, 153, 160) rgb(30, 32, 48) Bold
# fg:$maroon bg:$mantle
status_ellipsis: rgb(238, 153, 160) rgb(30, 32, 48) Bold
# fg:$text bg:$red
status_error: rgb(202, 211, 245) rgb(237, 135, 150)
# fg:$maroon bg:$mantle
status_job: rgb(238, 153, 160) rgb(40, 38, 37)
# fg:$maroon bg:$mantle
status_code: rgb(238, 153, 160) rgb(30, 32, 48) Italic
# fg:$maroon bg:$mantle
mode_command_mark: rgb(238, 153, 160) rgb(30, 32, 48) Bold
### HELP
# fg:$text
help_paragraph: rgb(202, 211, 245) none
# fg:$red
help_headers: rgb(237, 135, 150) none Bold
# fg:$peach
help_bold: rgb(245, 169, 127) none Bold
# fg:$yellow
help_italic: rgb(238, 212, 159) none Italic
# fg:green bg:$surface0
help_code: rgb(166, 218, 149) rgb(54, 58, 79)
# fg:$overlay0
help_table_border: rgb(110, 115, 141) none
### HEX
# fg:$text
hex_null: rgb(202, 211, 245) none
# fg:$peach
hex_ascii_graphic: rgb(245, 169, 127) none
# fg:$green
hex_ascii_whitespace: rgb(166, 218, 149) none
# fg: teal
hex_ascii_other: rgb(139, 213, 202) none
# fg: red
hex_non_ascii: rgb(237, 135, 150) none
# fg:$text bg:$red
file_error: rgb(243, 60, 44) none
purpose_normal: none none
purpose_italic: rgb(169, 90, 127) none Italic
purpose_bold: rgb(169, 90, 127) none Bold
purpose_ellipsis: none none
# fg:$surface0
scrollbar_track: rgb(54, 58, 79) none
# fg:$surface1
scrollbar_thumb: rgb(91, 96, 120) none
good_to_bad_0: rgb(166, 218, 149) none
good_to_bad_1: rgb(139, 213, 202) none
good_to_bad_2: rgb(145, 215, 227) none
good_to_bad_3: rgb(125, 196, 228) none
good_to_bad_4: rgb(138, 173, 244) none
good_to_bad_5: rgb(183, 189, 248) none
good_to_bad_6: rgb(198, 160, 246) none
good_to_bad_7: rgb(245, 169, 127) none
good_to_bad_8: rgb(238, 153, 160) none
good_to_bad_9: rgb(237, 135, 150) none
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
# A skin for a terminal with a dark background
# This skin uses RGB values so won't work for some
# terminals.
# Created by A. Taha Baki <>
# Based on the built-in gruvbox theme.
# Doc at
skin: {
input: rgb(205, 214, 244) none
# fg:none bg:$surface2
selected_line: none rgb(88, 91, 112)
# fg:$text bg:none
default: rgb(205, 214, 244) none
# fg:$overlay0 bg:none
tree: rgb(108, 112, 134) none
# fg:$sapphire bg:none
parent: rgb(116, 199, 236) none
file: none none
perm__: rgb(186, 194, 222) none
# $peach
perm_r: rgb(250, 179, 135) none
# $maroon
perm_w: rgb(235, 160, 172) none
# $green
perm_x: rgb(166, 227, 161) none
# $teal
owner: rgb(148, 226, 213) none
# $sky
group: rgb(137, 220, 235) none
### DATE
# $subtext1
dates: rgb(186, 194, 222) none
# $lavender
directory: rgb(180, 190, 254) none Bold
# $green
exe: rgb(166, 227, 161) none
# $yellow
link: rgb(249, 226, 175) none
# $subtext0
pruning: rgb(166, 173, 200) none Italic
# fg:$text bg:$mantle
preview_title: rgb(205, 214, 244) rgb(24, 24, 37)
# fg:$text bg:$mantle
preview: rgb(205, 214, 244) rgb(24, 24, 37)
# fg:$overlay0
preview_line_number: rgb(108, 112, 134) none
# fg:$overlay0
preview_separator: rgb(108, 112, 134) none
char_match: rgb(249, 226, 175) rgb(69, 71, 90) Bold Italic
content_match: rgb(249, 226, 175) rgb(69, 71, 90) Bold Italic
preview_match: rgb(249, 226, 175) rgb(69, 71, 90) Bold Italic
# children count
# fg:$yellow bg:none
count: rgb(249, 226, 175) none
sparse: rgb(243, 139, 168) none
content_extract: rgb(243, 139, 168) none Italic
### GIT
git_branch: rgb(250, 179, 135) none
git_insertions: rgb(250, 179, 135) none
git_deletions: rgb(250, 179, 135) none
git_status_current: rgb(250, 179, 135) none
git_status_modified: rgb(250, 179, 135) none
git_status_new: rgb(250, 179, 135) none Bold
git_status_ignored: rgb(250, 179, 135) none
git_status_conflicted: rgb(250, 179, 135) none
git_status_other: rgb(250, 179, 135) none
staging_area_title: rgb(250, 179, 135) none
### FLAG
flag_label: rgb(243, 139, 168) none
flag_value: rgb(243, 139, 168) none Bold
# fg:none #bg:$mantle
status_normal: none rgb(24, 24, 37)
# fg:$red bg:$mantle
status_italic: rgb(243, 139, 168) rgb(24, 24, 37) Italic
# fg:$maroon bg:$mantle
status_bold: rgb(235, 160, 172) rgb(24, 24, 37) Bold
# fg:$maroon bg:$mantle
status_ellipsis: rgb(235, 160, 172) rgb(24, 24, 37) Bold
# fg:$text bg:$red
status_error: rgb(205, 214, 244) rgb(243, 139, 168)
# fg:$maroon bg:$mantle
status_job: rgb(235, 160, 172) rgb(40, 38, 37)
# fg:$maroon bg:$mantle
status_code: rgb(235, 160, 172) rgb(24, 24, 37) Italic
# fg:$maroon bg:$mantle
mode_command_mark: rgb(235, 160, 172) rgb(24, 24, 37) Bold
### HELP
# fg:$text
help_paragraph: rgb(205, 214, 244) none
# fg:$red
help_headers: rgb(243, 139, 168) none Bold
# fg:$peach
help_bold: rgb(250, 179, 135) none Bold
# fg:$yellow
help_italic: rgb(249, 226, 175) none Italic
# fg:green bg:$surface0
help_code: rgb(166, 227, 161) rgb(49, 50, 68)
# fg:$overlay0
help_table_border: rgb(108, 112, 134) none
### HEX
# fg:$text
hex_null: rgb(205, 214, 244) none
# fg:$peach
hex_ascii_graphic: rgb(250, 179, 135) none
# fg:$green
hex_ascii_whitespace: rgb(166, 227, 161) none
# fg: teal
hex_ascii_other: rgb(148, 226, 213) none
# fg: red
hex_non_ascii: rgb(243, 139, 168) none
# fg:$text bg:$red
file_error: rgb(251, 73, 52) none
purpose_normal: none none
purpose_italic: rgb(177, 98, 134) none Italic
purpose_bold: rgb(177, 98, 134) none Bold
purpose_ellipsis: none none
# fg:$surface0
scrollbar_track: rgb(49, 50, 68) none
# fg:$surface1
scrollbar_thumb: rgb(88, 91, 112) none
good_to_bad_0: rgb(166, 227, 161) none
good_to_bad_1: rgb(148, 226, 213) none
good_to_bad_2: rgb(137, 220, 235) none
good_to_bad_3: rgb(116, 199, 236) none
good_to_bad_4: rgb(137, 180, 250) none
good_to_bad_5: rgb(180, 190, 254) none
good_to_bad_6: rgb(203, 166, 247) none
good_to_bad_7: rgb(250, 179, 135) none
good_to_bad_8: rgb(235, 160, 172) none
good_to_bad_9: rgb(243, 139, 168) none
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
# A skin for a terminal with a dark background
# To create your own skin, copy this file, change the entries
# and import your skin file from the main conf file (look
# for "imports")
# Doc at
# Skin
# If you want to change the colors of broot,
# uncomment the following block and start messing
# with the various values.
# A skin entry value is made of two parts separated with a '/':
# The first one is the skin for the active panel.
# The second one, optional, is the skin for non active panels.
# You may find explanations and other skins on
skin: {
default: gray(22) none / gray(20) none
tree: gray(8) None / gray(4) None
parent: gray(18) None / gray(13) None
file: gray(22) None / gray(15) None
directory: ansi(110) None bold / ansi(110) None
exe: Cyan None
link: Magenta None
pruning: gray(12) None Italic
perm__: gray(5) None
perm_r: ansi(94) None
perm_w: ansi(132) None
perm_x: ansi(65) None
owner: ansi(138) None
group: ansi(131) None
count: ansi(138) gray(4)
dates: ansi(66) None
sparse: ansi(214) None
content_extract: ansi(29) None
content_match: ansi(34) None
device_id_major: ansi(138) None
device_id_sep: ansi(102) None
device_id_minor: ansi(138) None
git_branch: ansi(178) None
git_insertions: ansi(28) None
git_deletions: ansi(160) None
git_status_current: gray(5) None
git_status_modified: ansi(28) None
git_status_new: ansi(94) None bold
git_status_ignored: gray(17) None
git_status_conflicted: ansi(88) None
git_status_other: ansi(88) None
selected_line: None gray(6) / None gray(4)
char_match: Green None
file_error: Red None
flag_label: gray(15) gray(2)
flag_value: ansi(178) gray(2) bold
input: White gray(2) / gray(15) None
status_error: gray(22) ansi(124)
status_job: ansi(220) gray(5)
status_normal: gray(20) gray(4) / gray(2) gray(2)
status_italic: ansi(178) gray(4) / gray(2) gray(2)
status_bold: ansi(178) gray(4) bold / gray(2) gray(2)
status_code: ansi(229) gray(4) / gray(2) gray(2)
status_ellipsis: gray(19) gray(1) / gray(2) gray(2)
purpose_normal: gray(20) gray(2)
purpose_italic: ansi(178) gray(2)
purpose_bold: ansi(178) gray(2) bold
purpose_ellipsis: gray(20) gray(2)
scrollbar_track: gray(7) None / gray(4) None
scrollbar_thumb: gray(22) None / gray(14) None
help_paragraph: gray(20) None
help_bold: ansi(178) None bold
help_italic: ansi(229) None
help_code: gray(21) gray(3)
help_headers: ansi(178) None
help_table_border: ansi(239) None
preview: gray(20) gray(1) / gray(18) gray(2)
preview_title: gray(23) gray(2) / gray(21) gray(2)
preview_line_number: gray(12) gray(3)
preview_separator: gray(5) None
preview_match: None ansi(29)
hex_null: gray(8) None
hex_ascii_graphic: gray(18) None
hex_ascii_whitespace: ansi(143) None
hex_ascii_other: ansi(215) None
hex_non_ascii: ansi(167) None
staging_area_title: gray(22) gray(2) / gray(20) gray(3)
mode_command_mark: gray(5) ansi(204) bold
good_to_bad_0: ansi(28)
good_to_bad_1: ansi(29)
good_to_bad_2: ansi(29)
good_to_bad_3: ansi(29)
good_to_bad_4: ansi(29)
good_to_bad_5: ansi(100)
good_to_bad_6: ansi(136)
good_to_bad_7: ansi(172)
good_to_bad_8: ansi(166)
good_to_bad_9: ansi(196)
# Syntax Theme
# If you want to choose the theme used for preview, uncomment
# one of the following lines:
# syntax_theme: GitHub
# syntax_theme: SolarizedDark
# syntax_theme: SolarizedLight
syntax_theme: MochaDark
# syntax_theme: MochaDark
# syntax_theme: OceanDark
# syntax_theme: OceanLight
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# A skin for a terminal with a dark background
# This skin uses RGB values so won't work for some
# terminals.
# (initially contributed by @basbebe)
# Doc at
skin: {
default: rgb(235, 219, 178) none / rgb(189, 174, 147) none
tree: rgb(70, 70, 80) None / rgb(60, 60, 60) None
parent: rgb(235, 219, 178) none / rgb(189, 174, 147) none Italic
file: None None / None None Italic
directory: rgb(131, 165, 152) None Bold / rgb(131, 165, 152) None
exe: rgb(184, 187, 38) None
link: rgb(104, 157, 106) None
pruning: rgb(124, 111, 100) None Italic
perm__: None None
perm_r: rgb(215, 153, 33) None
perm_w: rgb(204, 36, 29) None
perm_x: rgb(152, 151, 26) None
owner: rgb(215, 153, 33) None Bold
group: rgb(215, 153, 33) None
count: rgb(69, 133, 136) rgb(50, 48, 47)
dates: rgb(168, 153, 132) None
sparse: rgb(250, 189,47) None
content_extract: ansi(29) None Italic
content_match: ansi(34) None Bold
git_branch: rgb(251, 241, 199) None
git_insertions: rgb(152, 151, 26) None
git_deletions: rgb(190, 15, 23) None
git_status_current: rgb(60, 56, 54) None
git_status_modified: rgb(152, 151, 26) None
git_status_new: rgb(104, 187, 38) None Bold
git_status_ignored: rgb(213, 196, 161) None
git_status_conflicted: rgb(204, 36, 29) None
git_status_other: rgb(204, 36, 29) None
selected_line: None rgb(60, 56, 54) / None rgb(50, 48, 47)
char_match: rgb(250, 189, 47) None
file_error: rgb(251, 73, 52) None
flag_label: rgb(189, 174, 147) None
flag_value: rgb(211, 134, 155) None Bold
input: rgb(251, 241, 199) None / rgb(189, 174, 147) None Italic
status_error: rgb(213, 196, 161) rgb(204, 36, 29)
status_job: rgb(250, 189, 47) rgb(60, 56, 54)
status_normal: None rgb(40, 38, 37) / None None
status_italic: rgb(211, 134, 155) rgb(40, 38, 37) Italic / None None
status_bold: rgb(211, 134, 155) rgb(40, 38, 37) Bold / None None
status_code: rgb(251, 241, 199) rgb(40, 38, 37) / None None
status_ellipsis: rgb(251, 241, 199) rgb(40, 38, 37) Bold / None None
purpose_normal: None None
purpose_italic: rgb(177, 98, 134) None Italic
purpose_bold: rgb(177, 98, 134) None Bold
purpose_ellipsis: None None
scrollbar_track: rgb(80, 73, 69) None / rgb(50, 48, 47) None
scrollbar_thumb: rgb(213, 196, 161) None / rgb(102, 92, 84) None
help_paragraph: None None
help_bold: rgb(214, 93, 14) None Bold
help_italic: rgb(211, 134, 155) None Italic
help_code: rgb(142, 192, 124) rgb(50, 48, 47)
help_headers: rgb(254, 128, 25) None Bold
help_table_border: rgb(80, 73, 69) None
preview_title: rgb(235, 219, 178) rgb(40, 40, 40) / rgb(189, 174, 147) rgb(40, 40, 40)
preview: rgb(235, 219, 178) rgb(40, 40, 40) / rgb(235, 219, 178) rgb(40, 40, 40)
preview_line_number: rgb(124, 111, 100) None / rgb(124, 111, 100) rgb(40, 40, 40)
preview_separator: rgb(70, 70, 80) None / rgb(60, 60, 60) None
preview_match: None ansi(29) Bold
hex_null: rgb(189, 174, 147) None
hex_ascii_graphic: rgb(213, 196, 161) None
hex_ascii_whitespace: rgb(152, 151, 26) None
hex_ascii_other: rgb(254, 128, 25) None
hex_non_ascii: rgb(214, 93, 14) None
staging_area_title: rgb(235, 219, 178) rgb(40, 40, 40) / rgb(189, 174, 147) rgb(40, 40, 40)
mode_command_mark: gray(5) ansi(204) Bold
good_to_bad_0: ansi(28)
good_to_bad_1: ansi(29)
good_to_bad_2: ansi(29)
good_to_bad_3: ansi(29)
good_to_bad_4: ansi(29)
good_to_bad_5: ansi(100)
good_to_bad_6: ansi(136)
good_to_bad_7: ansi(172)
good_to_bad_8: ansi(166)
good_to_bad_9: ansi(196)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
# A skin for a terminal with a dark background
# To create your own skin, copy this file, change the entries
# and import your skin file from the main conf file (look
# for "imports")
# Doc at
# Skin
# If you want to change the colors of broot,
# uncomment the following bloc and start messing
# with the various values.
# A skin entry value is made of two parts separated with a '/':
# The first one is the skin for the active panel.
# The second one, optional, is the skin for non active panels.
# You may find explanations and other skins on
skin: {
default: none none / gray(20) none
tree: ansi(94) None / gray(3) None
parent: gray(18) None / gray(13) None
file: gray(20) None / gray(15) None
directory: ansi(208) None Bold / ansi(172) None bold
exe: Cyan None
link: Magenta None
pruning: gray(12) None Italic
perm__: gray(5) None
perm_r: ansi(94) None
perm_w: ansi(132) None
perm_x: ansi(65) None
owner: ansi(138) None
group: ansi(131) None
count: ansi(136) gray(3)
dates: ansi(66) None
sparse: ansi(214) None
content_extract: ansi(29) None
content_match: ansi(34) None
git_branch: ansi(229) None
git_insertions: ansi(28) None
git_deletions: ansi(160) None
git_status_current: gray(5) None
git_status_modified: ansi(28) None
git_status_new: ansi(94) None Bold
git_status_ignored: gray(17) None
git_status_conflicted: ansi(88) None
git_status_other: ansi(88) None
selected_line: None gray(5) / None gray(4)
char_match: Yellow None
file_error: Red None
flag_label: gray(15) None
flag_value: ansi(208) None Bold
input: White None / gray(15) gray(2)
status_error: gray(22) ansi(124)
status_job: ansi(220) gray(5)
status_normal: gray(20) gray(3) / gray(2) gray(2)
status_italic: ansi(208) gray(3) / gray(2) gray(2)
status_bold: ansi(208) gray(3) Bold / gray(2) gray(2)
status_code: ansi(229) gray(3) / gray(2) gray(2)
status_ellipsis: gray(19) gray(1) / gray(2) gray(2)
purpose_normal: gray(20) gray(2)
purpose_italic: ansi(178) gray(2)
purpose_bold: ansi(178) gray(2) Bold
purpose_ellipsis: gray(20) gray(2)
scrollbar_track: gray(7) None / gray(4) None
scrollbar_thumb: gray(22) None / gray(14) None
help_paragraph: gray(20) None
help_bold: ansi(208) None Bold
help_italic: ansi(166) None
help_code: gray(21) gray(3)
help_headers: ansi(208) None
help_table_border: ansi(239) None
preview: gray(20) gray(1) / gray(18) gray(2)
preview_line_number: gray(12) gray(3)
preview_separator: ansi(94) None / gray(3) None
preview_match: None ansi(29)
hex_null: gray(11) None
hex_ascii_graphic: gray(18) None
hex_ascii_whitespace: ansi(143) None
hex_ascii_other: ansi(215) None
hex_non_ascii: ansi(167) None
good_to_bad_0: ansi(28)
good_to_bad_1: ansi(29)
good_to_bad_2: ansi(29)
good_to_bad_3: ansi(29)
good_to_bad_4: ansi(29)
good_to_bad_5: ansi(100)
good_to_bad_6: ansi(136)
good_to_bad_7: ansi(172)
good_to_bad_8: ansi(166)
good_to_bad_9: ansi(196)
# Syntax Theme
# If you want to choose the theme used for preview, uncomment
# one of the following lines:
# syntax_theme: GitHub
# syntax_theme: SolarizedDark
# syntax_theme: SolarizedLight
syntax_theme: SolarizedDark
# syntax_theme: MochaDark
# syntax_theme: OceanDark
# syntax_theme: OceanLight
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
# 16 ANSI color theme. Colors in this theme are restricted from
# ANSI color 0 - 15. This will allow the theme to adapt to your
# terminal emulator's theme. Note that, for now, the preview
# mode does not yet support this theme because of syntect not
# having a 16 ansi color theme.
# More info at
# Doc at
skin: {
directory: ansi(12)
file: ansi(7)
pruning: ansi(8) none italic
selected_line: none ansi(0)
tree: ansi(8)
# Search
char_match: ansi(3) none underlined
parent: ansi(4) none bold
# File properties
exe: ansi(2)
link: ansi(13)
sparse: ansi(12)
# Prompt
input: ansi(6)
# Status bar
status_bold: ansi(7) ansi(8) bold
status_code: ansi(10) ansi(8)
status_ellipsis: ansi(7) ansi(8)
status_error: ansi(7) ansi(8)
status_italic: ansi(7) ansi(8) italic
status_job: ansi(7) ansi(8)
status_normal: ansi(7) ansi(8)
# Flag status
flag_label: ansi(6)
flag_value: ansi(14) none bold
# Background
default: none none
# Scrollbar
scrollbar_track: ansi(0)
scrollbar_thumb: ansi(3)
# Git
git_branch: ansi(13)
git_deletions: ansi(1)
git_insertions: ansi(2)
git_status_conflicted: ansi(1)
git_status_current: ansi(6)
git_status_ignored: ansi(8)
git_status_modified: ansi(3)
git_status_new: ansi(2) none bold
git_status_other: ansi(5)
# Staging area
staging_area_title: ansi(3)
# Documentation
help_bold: ansi(7) none bold
help_code: ansi(4)
help_headers: ansi(3)
help_italic: ansi(7) none italic
help_paragraph: ansi(7)
help_table_border: ansi(8)
# Device column
device_id_major: ansi(5)
device_id_minor: ansi(5)
device_id_sep: ansi(5)
# Counts column
count: ansi(13)
# Dates column
dates: ansi(6)
# Permissions column
group: ansi(3)
owner: ansi(3)
perm__: ansi(8)
perm_r: ansi(3)
perm_w: ansi(1)
perm_x: ansi(2)
# Hex preview
hex_null: ansi(8)
hex_ascii_graphic: ansi(2)
hex_ascii_whitespace: ansi(3)
hex_ascii_other: ansi(4)
hex_non_ascii: ansi(5)
# Preview
# preview: none
# preview_line_number: none
# preview_match: none
# preview_title: none
# Used for displaying errors
file_error: ansi(1)
# Content searches
content_extract: ansi(7)
content_match: ansi(3) none underlined
# Used in status line
purpose_bold: ansi(0) ansi(7) bold
purpose_ellipsis: ansi(0)
purpose_italic: ansi(0) ansi(7) italic
purpose_normal: ansi(0)
# Modal indicator
mode_command_mark: ansi(7) ansi(4)
# File system occupation
good_to_bad_0: ansi(2)
good_to_bad_1: ansi(2)
good_to_bad_2: ansi(2)
good_to_bad_3: ansi(2)
good_to_bad_4: ansi(2)
good_to_bad_5: ansi(1)
good_to_bad_6: ansi(1)
good_to_bad_7: ansi(1)
good_to_bad_8: ansi(1)
good_to_bad_9: ansi(1)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
// contributed by [@danieltrautmann](
// The Solarized Dark skin uses RGB values, so it might not work well with some
// terminals
// Doc at
skin: {
default: "rgb(131, 148, 150) rgb(0, 43, 54) / rgb(131, 148, 150) rgb(7, 54, 66)" // base0 base03 / base01 base02
tree: "rgb(88, 110, 117) none" // base01 default
file: "none none" // default default
directory: "rgb(38, 139, 210) none bold" // blue default bold
exe: "rgb(211, 1, 2) none" // red default
link: "rgb(211, 54, 130) none" // magenta default
pruning: "rgb(88, 110, 117) none italic" // base01 default italic
perm__: "rgb(88, 110, 117) none" // base01 default
perm_r: "none none" // default default
perm_w: "none none" // default default
perm_x: "none none" // default default
owner: "rgb(88, 110, 117) none" // base01 default
group: "rgb(88, 110, 117) none" // base01 default
sparse: "none none" // default default
git_branch: "rgb(147, 161, 161) none" // base1 default
git_insertions: "rgb(133, 153, 0) none" // green default
git_deletions: "rgb(211, 1, 2) none" // red default
git_status_current: "none none" // default default
git_status_modified: "rgb(181, 137, 0) none" // yellow default
git_status_new: "rgb(133, 153, 0) none" // green default
git_status_ignored: "rgb(88, 110, 117) none" // base01 default
git_status_conflicted: "rgb(211, 1, 2) none" // red default
git_status_other: "rgb(211, 1, 2) none" // red default
selected_line: "none rgb(7, 54, 66)" // default base02
char_match: "rgb(133, 153, 0) none underlined" // green default underlined
file_error: "rgb(203, 75, 22) none italic" // orange default italic
flag_label: "none none" // default default
flag_value: "rgb(181, 137, 0) none bold" // yellow default bold
input: "none none" // default default
status_error: "rgb(203, 75, 22) rgb(7, 54, 66)" // orange base02
status_job: "rgb(108, 113, 196) rgb(7, 54, 66) bold" // violet base02 bold
status_normal: "none rgb(7, 54, 66)" // default base02
status_italic: "rgb(181, 137, 0) rgb(7, 54, 66)" // yellow base02
status_bold: "rgb(147, 161, 161) rgb(7, 54, 66) bold" // base1 base02 bold
status_code: "rgb(108, 113, 196) rgb(7, 54, 66)" // violet base02
status_ellipsis: "none rgb(7, 54, 66)" // default base02
scrollbar_track: "rgb(7, 54, 66) none" // base02 default
scrollbar_thumb: "none none" // default default
help_paragraph: "none none" // default default
help_bold: "rgb(147, 161, 161) none bold" // base1 default bold
help_italic: "rgb(147, 161, 161) none italic" // base1 default italic
help_code: "rgb(147, 161, 161) rgb(7, 54, 66)" // base1 base02
help_headers: "rgb(181, 137, 0) none" // yellow default
help_table_border: "none none" // default default
preview_title: "gray(20) rgb(0, 43, 54)"
staging_area_title: "gray(22) rgb(0, 43, 54)"
good_to_bad_0: "ansi(28)" // green
good_to_bad_1: "ansi(29)"
good_to_bad_2: "ansi(29)"
good_to_bad_3: "ansi(29)"
good_to_bad_4: "ansi(29)"
good_to_bad_5: "ansi(100)"
good_to_bad_6: "ansi(136)"
good_to_bad_7: "ansi(172)"
good_to_bad_8: "ansi(166)"
good_to_bad_9: "ansi(196)" // red
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
// contributed by [@danieltrautmann](
// The Solarized Light skin uses RGB values, so it might not work well with some
// terminals
// If you prefer to keep the background the same as your terminal background, change
// the "default" entry to
// default: "none none / rgb(147, 161, 161) none"
// Doc at
skin: {
// base00 default / base1 base2
default: "rgb(101, 123, 131) none / rgb(147, 161, 161) none"
// base1 default
tree: "rgb(147, 161, 161) none"
// default default
file: "none none"
// blue default bold
directory: "rgb(38, 139, 210) none bold"
// red default
exe: "rgb(211, 1, 2) none"
// magenta default
link: "rgb(211, 54, 130) none"
// base1 default italic
pruning: "rgb(147, 161, 161) none italic"
// base1 default
perm__: "rgb(147, 161, 161) none"
// default default
perm_r: "none none"
// default default
perm_w: "none none"
// default default
perm_x: "none none"
// base1 default
owner: "rgb(147, 161, 161) none"
// base1 default
group: "rgb(147, 161, 161) none"
// default default
sparse: "none none"
// base01 default
git_branch: "rgb(88, 110, 117) none"
// green default
git_insertions: "rgb(133, 153, 0) none"
// red default
git_deletions: "rgb(211, 1, 2) none"
// default default
git_status_current: "none none"
// yellow default
git_status_modified: "rgb(181, 137, 0) none"
// green default
git_status_new: "rgb(133, 153, 0) none"
// base1 default
git_status_ignored: "rgb(147, 161, 161) none"
// red default
git_status_conflicted: "rgb(211, 1, 2) none"
// red default
git_status_other: "rgb(211, 1, 2) none"
// default base2
selected_line: "none rgb(238, 232, 213)"
// green default underlined
char_match: "rgb(133, 153, 0) none underlined"
// orange default italic
file_error: "rgb(203, 75, 22) none italic"
// default default
flag_label: "none none"
// yellow default bold
flag_value: "rgb(181, 137, 0) none bold"
// default default
input: "none none"
// orange base2
status_error: "rgb(203, 75, 22) rgb(238, 232, 213)"
// violet base2 bold
status_job: "rgb(108, 113, 196) rgb(238, 232, 213) bold"
// default base2
status_normal: "none rgb(238, 232, 213)"
// yellow base2
status_italic: "rgb(181, 137, 0) rgb(238, 232, 213)"
// base01 base2 bold
status_bold: "rgb(88, 110, 117) rgb(238, 232, 213) bold"
// violet base2
status_code: "rgb(108, 113, 196) rgb(238, 232, 213)"
// default base2
status_ellipsis: "none rgb(238, 232, 213)"
// base2 default
scrollbar_track: "rgb(238, 232, 213) none"
// default default
scrollbar_thumb: "none none"
// default default
help_paragraph: "none none"
// base01 default bold
help_bold: "rgb(88, 110, 117) none bold"
// base01 default italic
help_italic: "rgb(88, 110, 117) none italic"
// base01 base2
help_code: "rgb(88, 110, 117) rgb(238, 232, 213)"
// yellow default
help_headers: "rgb(181, 137, 0) none"
// default default
help_table_border: "none none"
preview_title: "rgb(147, 161, 161) rgb(238, 232, 213)"
preview: "rgb(101, 123, 131) rgb(253, 246, 227) / rgb(147, 161, 161) rgb(238, 232, 213)"
preview_line_number: "rgb(147, 161, 161) rgb(238, 232, 213)"
preview_separator: "rgb(147, 161, 161) rgb(238, 232, 213)"
preview_match: "None ansi(29)"
staging_area_title: "gray(22) rgb(253, 246, 227)"
good_to_bad_0: ansi(28)
good_to_bad_1: ansi(29)
good_to_bad_2: ansi(29)
good_to_bad_3: ansi(29)
good_to_bad_4: ansi(29)
good_to_bad_5: ansi(100)
good_to_bad_6: ansi(136)
good_to_bad_7: ansi(172)
good_to_bad_8: ansi(166)
good_to_bad_9: ansi(196)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
# A skin for a terminal with a white background
# To create your own skin, copy this file, change the entries
# and import your skin file from the main conf file (look
# for "imports")
# Doc at
syntax_theme: base16-ocean.light
skin: {
default: gray(1) None
tree: gray(7) None / gray(18) None
file: gray(3) None / gray(8) None
directory: ansi(25) None Bold / ansi(25) None
exe: ansi(130) None
link: Magenta None
pruning: gray(12) None Italic
perm__: gray(5) None
perm_r: ansi(94) None
perm_w: ansi(132) None
perm_x: ansi(65) None
owner: ansi(138) None
group: ansi(131) None
dates: ansi(66) None
sparse: ansi(214) None
git_branch: ansi(229) None
git_insertions: ansi(28) None
git_deletions: ansi(160) None
git_status_current: gray(5) None
git_status_modified: ansi(28) None
git_status_new: ansi(94) None Bold
git_status_ignored: gray(17) None
git_status_conflicted: ansi(88) None
git_status_other: ansi(88) None
selected_line: None gray(19) / None gray(21)
char_match: ansi(22) None
file_error: Red None
flag_label: gray(9) None
flag_value: ansi(166) None Bold
input: gray(1) None / gray(4) gray(20)
status_error: gray(22) ansi(124)
status_normal: gray(2) gray(20)
status_job: ansi(220) gray(5)
status_italic: ansi(166) gray(20)
status_bold: ansi(166) gray(20)
status_code: ansi(17) gray(20)
status_ellipsis: gray(19) gray(15)
purpose_normal: gray(20) gray(2)
purpose_italic: ansi(178) gray(2)
purpose_bold: ansi(178) gray(2) Bold
purpose_ellipsis: gray(20) gray(2)
scrollbar_track: gray(20) none
scrollbar_thumb: ansi(238) none
help_paragraph: gray(2) none
help_bold: ansi(202) none bold
help_italic: ansi(202) none italic
help_code: gray(5) gray(22)
help_headers: ansi(202) none
help_table_border: ansi(239) None
preview_title: gray(3) None / gray(5) None
preview: gray(5) gray(23) / gray(7) gray(23)
preview_line_number: gray(6) gray(20)
preview_separator: gray(7) None / gray(18) None
preview_match: None ansi(29) Underlined
hex_null: gray(15) None
hex_ascii_graphic: gray(2) None
hex_ascii_whitespace: ansi(143) None
hex_ascii_other: ansi(215) None
hex_non_ascii: ansi(167) None
staging_area_title: gray(8) None / gray(13) None
mode_command_mark: gray(15) ansi(204) Bold
good_to_bad_0: ansi(28)
good_to_bad_1: ansi(29)
good_to_bad_2: ansi(29)
good_to_bad_3: ansi(29)
good_to_bad_4: ansi(29)
good_to_bad_5: ansi(100)
good_to_bad_6: ansi(136)
good_to_bad_7: ansi(172)
good_to_bad_8: ansi(166)
good_to_bad_9: ansi(196)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
# This file contains the verb definitions for broot
# Some verbs here are examples and not enabled by default: you
# need to uncomment them if you want to use them.
# Documentation at
verbs: [
invocation: nvim
key: enter
apply_to: text_file
execution: "tmux-edit-helper {file}"
leave_broot: true
# You should customize this standard opening of text files.
# If you edit text files in your terminal (vi, emacs, helix, eg.), then
# you'll find it convenient to change the 'key' from 'ctrl-e' to 'enter'.
# If $EDITOR isn't set on your computer, you should either set it using
# something similar to
# export EDITOR=/usr/local/bin/nvim
# or just replace it with your editor of choice in the 'execution'
# pattern.
# If your editor is able to open a file on a specific line, use {line}
# so that you may jump directly at the right line from a preview or
# a content search.
# Examples depending on your favourite editor:
# execution: "nvim +{line} {file}"
# execution: "helix {file}:{line}"
invocation: edit
shortcut: e
key: ctrl-e
apply_to: text_file
execution: "$EDITOR {file}"
leave_broot: false
# Example 1: launching `tail -n` on the selected file (leaving broot)
# {
# name: tail_lines
# invocation: tl {lines_count}
# execution: "tail -f -n {lines_count} {file}"
# }
# Example 2: creating a new file without leaving broot
# {
# name: touch
# invocation: touch {new_file}
# execution: "touch {directory}/{new_file}"
# leave_broot: false
# }
# A convenient shortcut to create new text files in
# the current directory or below
invocation: create {subpath}
execution: "$EDITOR {directory}/{subpath}"
leave_broot: false
invocation: git_diff
shortcut: gd
leave_broot: false
execution: "git difftool -y {file}"
# On ctrl-b, propose the creation of a copy of the selection.
# While this might occasionally be useful, this verb is mostly here
# as an example to demonstrate rare standard groups like {file-stem}
# and {file-dot-extension} and the auto_exec verb property which
# allows verbs to stay unexecuted until you hit enter
invocation: "backup {version}"
key: ctrl-b
leave_broot: false
auto_exec: false
execution: "cp -r {file} {parent}/{file-stem}-{version}{file-dot-extension}"
# By default, `rm` does the system rm, and completely removes
# the file. If you prefer to have the file moved to the system
# trash, you may use the ':trash' internal with the verb below:
# {
# invocation: "rm"
# internal: "trash"
# leave_broot: false
# }
# This verb lets you launch a terminal on ctrl-T
# (on exit you'll be back in broot)
invocation: terminal
key: ctrl-t
execution: "$SHELL"
set_working_dir: true
leave_broot: false
# Here's an example of a verb needing the shell capabilities.
# It copies all children of the currently selected directory
# to a destination you type.
# It uses a star, which needs the shell for expansion. That's
# why such verb must have the `from_shell: true` parameter.
# {
# invocation: "cpa {dest}"
# external: "cp -r {directory}/* {dest}"
# from_shell: true
# }
# Here's an example of a shortcut bringing you to your home directory
# {
# invocation: home
# key: ctrl-home
# execution: ":focus ~"
# }
# Here's going to the work-dir root of the current git repository
# {
# invocation: gtr
# execution: ":focus {git-root}"
# }
# A popular set of shortcuts for going up and down:
# {
# key: ctrl-k
# execution: ":line_up"
# }
# {
# key: ctrl-j
# execution: ":line_down"
# }
# {
# key: ctrl-u
# execution: ":page_up"
# }
# {
# key: ctrl-d
# execution: ":page_down"
# }
# If you develop using git, you might like to often switch
# to the git status filter:
# {
# key: alt-g
# execution: ":toggle_git_status"
# }
# You can reproduce the bindings of Norton Commander
# on copying or moving to the other panel:
# {
# key: F5
# external: "cp -r {file} {other-panel-directory}"
# leave_broot: false
# }
# {
# key: F6
# external: "mv {file} {other-panel-directory}"
# leave_broot: false
# }
@ -46,12 +46,17 @@ if status is-interactive
function jump
set _dir $(fre --sorted | fzf-tmux --no-sort -p 90%,40% -y 0 -- --color=fg:248,bg+:16,fg+:49,pointer:49,border:49 --layout=reverse)
set _dir $(fre --sorted | fzf --no-sort --color=fg:248,bg+:16,fg+:49,pointer:49,border:49 --border=rounded --layout=reverse '--bind=ctrl-g:become(br -f --conf ~/.config/broot/select.toml $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null || pwd))')
[ -n "$_dir" ] && pushd $_dir >>/dev/null
commandline -f repaint
bind \cg jump
bind \c_ 'do something'
bind \ee 'br $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null || pwd)'
bind \eg gitui
## Kubernetes
fish_add_path $HOME/.krew/bin
# function kubectl --wraps kubectl
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"LazyVim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "0f6ff53ce336082869314db11e9dfa487cf83292" },
"SchemaStore.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "9a5992a881583d886bfbb46631a09f736f0fae50" },
"alabaster.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "5bb485d630d50796d4c8c7edc0f0fb9001fccde3" },
"broot.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "c4365d34e5751832206fd6fd0a4f325b742dea0a" },
"catppuccin": { "branch": "main", "commit": "d97387aea8264f484bb5d5e74f2182a06c83e0d8" },
"cmp-buffer": { "branch": "main", "commit": "3022dbc9166796b644a841a02de8dd1cc1d311fa" },
"cmp-emoji": { "branch": "main", "commit": "e8398e2adf512a03bb4e1728ca017ffeac670a9f" },
@ -34,8 +35,8 @@
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"neoconf.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "9092129e9a42ae26375001bd2e6118f8d57c7f2a" },
"neodev.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "ce9a2e8eaba5649b553529c5498acb43a6c317cd" },
"noice.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "883cd5b638aef23d087c334940112d39ebff0aaa" },
"none-ls.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "aa4442a8493934e3354e507a556ea5f670f68491" },
"noice.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "f119045f38792ad5311e5f9be7a879e4c1a95fe0" },
"none-ls.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "60f5f80686f5a272ed3281a7d4962cb54dc5348e" },
"nui.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "b1b3dcd6ed8f355c78bad3d395ff645be5f8b6ae" },
"nvim-cmp": { "branch": "main", "commit": "5260e5e8ecadaf13e6b82cf867a909f54e15fd07" },
"nvim-dap": { "branch": "master", "commit": "c65c163daa47e0623dd85d2303fce0c22e52ad01" },
@ -43,21 +44,21 @@
"nvim-dap-ui": { "branch": "master", "commit": "334cf3038c4756e6ab999cbac67c847fb654c190" },
"nvim-dap-virtual-text": { "branch": "master", "commit": "d7c695ea39542f6da94ee4d66176f5d660ab0a77" },
"nvim-lint": { "branch": "master", "commit": "e19842a05aae484957ad20710444757bc0a61d63" },
"nvim-lspconfig": { "branch": "master", "commit": "2c1877081b237a643e52ebdebaf36c84a2695639" },
"nvim-lspconfig": { "branch": "master", "commit": "b972e7154bc94ab4ecdbb38c8edbccac36f83996" },
"nvim-navic": { "branch": "master", "commit": "8649f694d3e76ee10c19255dece6411c29206a54" },
"nvim-nio": { "branch": "master", "commit": "632024157d01e8bc48fd7df6a7de8ffe3fdd4f3a" },
"nvim-noirbuddy": { "branch": "master", "commit": "f3e35f42cf3f08b7351a69bf3a92b7e80a564f30" },
"nvim-notify": { "branch": "master", "commit": "d333b6f167900f6d9d42a59005d82919830626bf" },
"nvim-snippets": { "branch": "main", "commit": "b3fe9af9fe2bf735f7d3988ad87f4c2fceadcc2b" },
"nvim-snippets": { "branch": "main", "commit": "5669b8d4eb6bbc5ebadf522f0e30a4cfb5a308f6" },
"nvim-spectre": { "branch": "master", "commit": "5690ea46baf08bbc1623980012e14b6239ce582e" },
"nvim-treesitter": { "branch": "master", "commit": "298a9dd4f8a0d95b347a7ebd301849d8b0e3917e" },
"nvim-treesitter": { "branch": "master", "commit": "6d56c5f404d3b116bab167bc03993cfb0a83f8aa" },
"nvim-treesitter-textobjects": { "branch": "master", "commit": "3557e41418b4a6c5b85d5d64abe94c9c50fa9b14" },
"nvim-ts-autotag": { "branch": "main", "commit": "8ae54b90e36ef1fc5267214b30c2cbff71525fe4" },
"nvim-web-devicons": { "branch": "master", "commit": "e37bb1feee9e7320c76050a55443fa843b4b6f83" },
"persistence.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "5fe077056c821aab41f87650bd6e1c48cd7dd047" },
"plenary.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "a3e3bc82a3f95c5ed0d7201546d5d2c19b20d683" },
"rustaceanvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "45075f8a47406021870eeab3c953aee7438cb898" },
"telescope-frecency.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "328452afcc29187732575842c19172f4d4ed749d" },
"rustaceanvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "e306c742bd7f7183e371cd91268b72d9db1bbae0" },
"telescope-frecency.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "1a05e580147f7a06d24ae88ee3787b3fc0676fbe" },
"telescope-fzf-native.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "9ef21b2e6bb6ebeaf349a0781745549bbb870d27" },
"telescope.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "5665d93988acfbb0747bdbf4f4cb583bcebc8930" },
"todo-comments.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "e1549807066947818113a7d7ed48f637e49620d3" },
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ return {
enabled = false,
{ "aohoyd/broot.nvim", opts = {} },
config = function()
@ -65,11 +65,6 @@ bind-key -T copy-mode-vi WheelDownPane select-pane \; send-keys -X -N 1 scroll-d
bind-key / copy-mode \; send-key ?
bind-key P 'capture-pane' \; capture-pane -S - \; save-buffer /tmp/tmux \; delete-buffer
bind-key -n C-\\ copy-mode \; send -X search-backward " % "\; send -X search-again
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setw -g window-status-current-format ""
Add table
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