# A skin for a terminal with a dark background
# To create your own skin, copy this file, change the entries
# and import your skin file from the main conf file (look
# for "imports")
# Doc at https://dystroy.org/broot/skins/

# Skin
# If you want to change the colors of broot,
# uncomment the following bloc and start messing
# with the various values.
# A skin entry value is made of two parts separated with a '/':
# The first one is the skin for the active panel.
# The second one, optional, is the skin for non active panels.
# You may find explanations and other skins on
#  https://dystroy.org/broot/skins
skin: {
    default: none none / gray(20) none
    tree: ansi(94) None / gray(3) None
    parent: gray(18) None / gray(13) None
    file: gray(20) None / gray(15) None
    directory: ansi(208) None Bold / ansi(172) None bold
    exe: Cyan None
    link: Magenta None
    pruning: gray(12) None Italic
    perm__: gray(5) None
    perm_r: ansi(94) None
    perm_w: ansi(132) None
    perm_x: ansi(65) None
    owner: ansi(138) None
    group: ansi(131) None
    count: ansi(136) gray(3)
    dates: ansi(66) None
    sparse: ansi(214) None
    content_extract: ansi(29) None
    content_match: ansi(34) None
    git_branch: ansi(229) None
    git_insertions: ansi(28) None
    git_deletions: ansi(160) None
    git_status_current: gray(5) None
    git_status_modified: ansi(28) None
    git_status_new: ansi(94) None Bold
    git_status_ignored: gray(17) None
    git_status_conflicted: ansi(88) None
    git_status_other: ansi(88) None
    selected_line: None gray(5) / None gray(4)
    char_match: Yellow None
    file_error: Red None
    flag_label: gray(15) None
    flag_value: ansi(208) None Bold
    input: White None / gray(15) gray(2)
    status_error: gray(22) ansi(124)
    status_job: ansi(220) gray(5)
    status_normal: gray(20) gray(3) / gray(2) gray(2)
    status_italic: ansi(208) gray(3) / gray(2) gray(2)
    status_bold: ansi(208) gray(3) Bold / gray(2) gray(2)
    status_code: ansi(229) gray(3) / gray(2) gray(2)
    status_ellipsis: gray(19) gray(1) / gray(2) gray(2)
    purpose_normal: gray(20) gray(2)
    purpose_italic: ansi(178) gray(2)
    purpose_bold: ansi(178) gray(2) Bold
    purpose_ellipsis: gray(20) gray(2)
    scrollbar_track: gray(7) None / gray(4) None
    scrollbar_thumb: gray(22) None / gray(14) None
    help_paragraph: gray(20) None
    help_bold: ansi(208) None Bold
    help_italic: ansi(166) None
    help_code: gray(21) gray(3)
    help_headers: ansi(208) None
    help_table_border: ansi(239) None
    preview: gray(20) gray(1) / gray(18) gray(2)
    preview_line_number: gray(12) gray(3)
    preview_separator: ansi(94) None / gray(3) None
    preview_match: None ansi(29)
    hex_null: gray(11) None
    hex_ascii_graphic: gray(18) None
    hex_ascii_whitespace: ansi(143) None
    hex_ascii_other: ansi(215) None
    hex_non_ascii: ansi(167) None
    good_to_bad_0: ansi(28)
    good_to_bad_1: ansi(29)
    good_to_bad_2: ansi(29)
    good_to_bad_3: ansi(29)
    good_to_bad_4: ansi(29)
    good_to_bad_5: ansi(100)
    good_to_bad_6: ansi(136)
    good_to_bad_7: ansi(172)
    good_to_bad_8: ansi(166)
    good_to_bad_9: ansi(196)

# Syntax Theme
# If you want to choose the theme used for preview, uncomment
# one of the following lines:
# syntax_theme: GitHub
# syntax_theme: SolarizedDark
# syntax_theme: SolarizedLight
syntax_theme: SolarizedDark
# syntax_theme: MochaDark
# syntax_theme: OceanDark
# syntax_theme: OceanLight