local marks = require("marks")

  default_mappings = true,
  -- which builtin marks to show. default {}
  -- builtin_marks = { ".", "<", ">", "^" },

  cyclic = true,
  force_write_shada = false,

  -- marks, and bookmarks.
  -- can be either a table with all/none of the keys, or a single number, in which case
  -- the priority applies to all marks.
  -- default 10.
  -- sign_priority = { lower=10, upper=15, builtin=8, bookmark=20 },
  -- disables mark tracking for specific filetypes. default {}
  excluded_filetypes = {},

  -- marks.nvim allows you to configure up to 10 bookmark groups, each with its own
  -- sign/virttext. Bookmarks can be used to group together positions and quickly move
  -- across multiple buffers. default sign is '!@#$%^&*()' (from 0 to 9), and
  -- default virt_text is "".
  bookmark_1 = {
    sign = "⚑",
    virt_text = ""