{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib.hm.gvariant; { config = lib.mkIf config.patagia.desktop.enable { home.packages = with pkgs; [ gnome-tweaks gnome-pomodoro gnomeExtensions.desktop-clock gnomeExtensions.emoji-copy gnomeExtensions.just-perfection gnomeExtensions.vitals ]; dconf.settings = { "org/gnome/desktop/background" = { color-shading-type = "solid"; picture-options = "zoom"; picture-uri = "file:///run/current-system/sw/share/backgrounds/gnome/vnc-l.png"; picture-uri-dark = "file:///run/current-system/sw/share/backgrounds/gnome/vnc-d.png"; primary-color = "#77767B"; secondary-color = "#000000"; }; "org/gnome/desktop/screensaver" = { color-shading-type = "solid"; picture-options = "zoom"; picture-uri = "file:///run/current-system/sw/share/backgrounds/gnome/vnc-l.png"; primary-color = "#77767B"; secondary-color = "#000000"; }; "org/gnome/desktop/wm/keybindings" = { close = [ "<Super>q" ]; toggle-on-all-workspaces = [ "<Super>s" ]; toggle-maximized = [ "<Super>m" ]; maximize-vertically = [ "<Super>Up" ]; minimize = [ "<Super>comma" ]; move-to-center = [ "<Super>c" ]; switch-applications = [ "<Super>Tab" ]; switch-windows = [ "<Alt>Tab" ]; move-to-workspace-1 = [ "<Shift>F1" ]; move-to-workspace-2 = [ "<Shift>F2" ]; move-to-workspace-3 = [ "<Shift>F3" ]; move-to-workspace-4 = [ "<Shift>F4" ]; move-to-workspace-5 = [ "<Shift>F5" ]; move-to-workspace-6 = [ "<Shift>F6" ]; move-to-workspace-7 = [ "<Shift>F7" ]; move-to-workspace-8 = [ "<Shift>F8" ]; move-to-workspace-9 = [ "<Shift>F9" ]; switch-to-workspace-1 = [ "F1" ]; switch-to-workspace-2 = [ "F2" ]; switch-to-workspace-3 = [ "F3" ]; switch-to-workspace-4 = [ "F4" ]; switch-to-workspace-5 = [ "F5" ]; switch-to-workspace-6 = [ "F6" ]; switch-to-workspace-7 = [ "F7" ]; switch-to-workspace-8 = [ "F8" ]; switch-to-workspace-9 = [ "F9" ]; }; "org/gnome/desktop/input-sources" = { mru-sources = [ (mkTuple [ "xkb" "us" ]) ]; sources = [ (mkTuple [ "xkb" "se+us" ]) ]; xkb-options = [ "caps:ctrl_modifier" ]; }; "org/gnome/desktop/interface" = { enable-animations = false; enable-hot-corners = false; show-battery-percentage = true; font-antialiasing = "grayscale"; font-hinting = "slight"; font-name = "Inter Variable 11"; document-font-name = "Inter Variable 11"; monospace-font-name = "BerkeleyMono Nerd Font 11"; toolkit-accessibility = false; }; "org/gnome/desktop/search-providers" = { disabled = [ "org.gnome.Contacts.desktop" "org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop" "org.gnome.Calendar.desktop" "org.gnome.clocks.desktop" "org.gnome.Epiphany.desktop" ]; sort-order = [ "org.gnome.Contacts.desktop" "org.gnome.Documents.desktop" "org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop" "org.gnome.Settings.desktop" "org.gnome.Calculator.desktop" "org.gnome.Calendar.desktop" "org.gnome.clocks.desktop" "org.gnome.seahorse.Application.desktop" "org.gnome.Weather.desktop" "org.gnome.Characters.desktop" ]; }; "org/gnome/desktop/wm/preferences" = { focus-mode = "sloppy"; num-workspaces = 10; resize-with-right-button = true; }; "org/gnome/GWeather4" = { temperature-unit = "centigrade"; }; "org/gnome/Weather" = { locations = [ (mkVariant (mkTuple [ (mkUint32 2) (mkVariant (mkTuple [ "Stockholm-Arlanda Airport" "ESSA" false [ (mkTuple [ 1.0410888988146176 0.31328660073298215 ]) ] [ (mkTuple [ 1.0410888988146176 0.31328660073298215 ]) ] ])) ])) ]; }; "org/gnome/desktop/calendar" = { show-weekdate = true; }; "org/gnome/mutter" = { center-new-windows = true; edge-tiling = true; }; "org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/color" = { night-light-schedule-automatic = false; night-light-schedule-from = 0.0; night-light-schedule-to = 0.0; night-light-temperature = mkUint32 3575; }; "org/gnome/shell" = { enabled-extensions = [ "emoji-copy@felipeftn" "just-perfection-desktop@just-perfection" "Vitals@CoreCoding.com" ]; }; "org/gnome/shell/extensions/emoji-copy" = { emoji-keybind = [ "<Super>e" ]; }; "org/gnome/shell/extensions/just-perfection" = { animation = 0; notification-banner-position = 2; osd-position = 6; panel = false; panel-in-overview = true; startup-status = 0; switcher-popup-delay = false; top-panel-position = 0; }; "org/gnome/shell/extensions/vitals" = { update-time = 15; }; "org/gnome/tweaks" = { show-extensions-notice = false; }; }; }; }