############################################################### # This configuration file lets you # - define new commands # - change the shortcut or triggering keys of built-in verbs # - change the colors # - set default values for flags # - set special behaviors on specific paths # - and more... # # Configuration documentation is available at # https://dystroy.org/broot # # This file's format is Hjson ( https://hjson.github.io/ ). Some # properties are commented out. To enable them, remove the `#`. # ############################################################### ############################################################### # Default flags # You can set up flags you want broot to start with by # default, for example `default_flags="-ihp"` if you usually want # to see hidden and gitignored files and the permissions (then # if you don't want the hidden files at a specific launch, # you can launch broot with `br -H`). # A popular flag is the `g` one which displays git related info. # # default_flags: ############################################################### # Terminal's title # If you want the terminal's title to be updated when you change # directory, set a terminal_title pattern by uncommenting one of # the examples below and tuning it to your taste. # # terminal_title: "[broot] {git-name}" # terminal_title: "{file} 🐄" # terminal_title: "-= {file-name} =-" ############################################################### # Date/Time format # If you want to change the format for date/time, uncomment the # following line and change it according to # https://docs.rs/chrono/0.4.11/chrono/format/strftime/index.html # # date_time_format: %Y/%m/%d %R ############################################################### # uncomment to activate modal mode # # (you really should read https://dystroy.org/broot/modal/ # before as it may not suit everybody even among vim users) # # You may start either in 'command' mode, or in 'input' mode # # modal: true # initial_mode: command ############################################################### # Whether to mark the selected line with a triangle # show_selection_mark: true ############################################################### # Column order # cols_order, if specified, must be a permutation of the following # array. You should keep the name column at the end as it has a # variable length. # # cols_order: [ # mark # git # size # permission # date # count # branch # name # ] ############################################################### # True Colors # If this parameter isn't set, broot tries to automatically # determine whether true colors (24 bits) are available. # As this process is unreliable, you may uncomment this setting # and set it to false or true if you notice the colors in # previewed images are too off. # # true_colors: false ############################################################### # Icons # If you want to display icons in broot, uncomment this line # (see https://dystroy.org/broot/icons for installation and # troubleshooting) # # icon_theme: vscode icon_theme: nerdfont ############################################################### # Special paths # If some paths must be handled specially, uncomment (and change # this section as per the examples) # Setting "list":"never" on a dir prevents broot from looking at its # children when searching, unless the dir is the selected root. # Setting "sum":"never" on a dir prevents broot from looking at its # children when computing the total size and count of files. # Setting "show":"always" makes a file visible even if its name # starts with a dot. # Setting "list":"always" may be useful on a link to a directory # (they're otherwise not entered by broot unless selected) # special_paths: { "/media" : { list: "never" sum: "never" } "~/.config": { "show": "always" } "trav": { show: always list: "always", sum: "never" } # "~/useless": { "show": "never" } # "~/my-link-I-want-to-explore": { "list": "always" } } ############################################################### # Quit on last cancel # You can usually cancel the last state change on escape. # If you want the escape key to quit broot when there's nothing # to cancel (for example when you just opened broot), uncomment # this parameter # # quit_on_last_cancel: true quit_on_last_cancel: true ############################################################### # Search modes # # broot allows many search modes. # A search mode is defined by # - the way to search: 'fuzzy', 'exact', 'regex', or 'tokens'. # - where to search: file 'name', 'path', or file 'content' # A search pattern may for example be "fuzzy path" (default), # "regex content" or "exact path". # # The search mode is selected from its prefix. For example, if # you type "abc", the default mode is "fuzzy path". If you type # "/abc", the mode is "regex path". If you type "rn/abc", the mode # is "regex name". # # This mapping may be modified. You may want to dedicate the # empty prefix (the one which doesn't need a '/') to the # search mode you use most often. The example below makes it # easy to search on name rather than on the subpath. # # More information on # https://dystroy.org/broot/input/#the-filtering-pattern # # search_modes: { # <empty>: fuzzy name # /: regex name # } ############################################################### # File Extension Colors # # uncomment and modify the next section if you want to color # file name depending on their extension # # ext_colors: { # png: rgb(255, 128, 75) # rs: yellow # } ############################################################### # Max file size for content search # # Bigger files are ignored when searching their content. You # can specify this size either in ISO units (eg 5GB) or in # the old binary units (eg 44Kib) content_search_max_file_size: 10MB ############################################################### # Max Panels Count # # Change this if you sometimes want to have more than 2 panels # open # max_panels_count: 2 ############################################################### # Update work dir # # By default, broot process' work dir is kept in sync with the # current's panel root. If you want to keep it unchanged, # uncomment this setting # # update_work_dir: false ############################################################### # Kitty Keyboard extension # # If you want to use advanced keyboard shortcuts in Kitty # compatible terminals (Kitty, Wezterm), set this to true. # # This makes it possible to use shortcuts like 'space-n', # 'ctrl-alt-a-b', 'shift-space', etc. # enable_kitty_keyboard: true ############################################################### # lines around matching line in filtered preview # # When searching the content of a file, you can have either # only the matching lines displayed, or some of the surrounding # ones too. # lines_before_match_in_preview: 1 lines_after_match_in_preview: 1 ############################################################### # Imports # # While it's possible to have all configuration in one file, # it's more convenient to split it in several ones. # Importing also allows to set a condition on the terminal's # color, which makes it possible to have a different skin # chosen when your terminal has a light background and when # it has a light one. imports: [ # Verbs are better configured in verbs.hjson. But you # can also add another files for your personal verbs verbs.hjson # This file contains the skin to use when the terminal # is dark (or when this couldn't be determined) { luma: [ dark unknown ] # (un)comment to choose your preferred skin file: skins/dark-blue.hjson //file: skins/catppuccin-macchiato.hjson //file: skins/catppuccin-mocha.hjson //file: skins/dark-gruvbox.hjson //file: skins/dark-orange.hjson //file: skins/solarized-dark.hjson } # This skin is imported when your terminal is light { luma: light # (un)comment to choose your preferred skin //file: skins/solarized-light.hjson file: skins/white.hjson } ]