require('').setup() require('mini.align').setup() require('mini.bracketed').setup() require('mini.bufremove').setup() require('mini.comment').setup() require('mini.diff').setup() require('mini.extra').setup() require('mini.files').setup() require('mini.icons').setup() require('mini.jump').setup() require('mini.surround').setup() require('mini.splitjoin').setup() require('mini.trailspace').setup() require('mini.visits').setup() require('mini.cursorword').setup({ delay = 800 }) local hipatterns = require('mini.hipatterns') hipatterns.setup({ highlighters = { -- Highlight standalone 'FIXME', 'HACK', 'TODO', 'NOTE' fixme = { pattern = '%f[%w]()FIXME()%f[%W]', group = 'MiniHipatternsFixme' }, hack = { pattern = '%f[%w]()HACK()%f[%W]', group = 'MiniHipatternsHack' }, todo = { pattern = '%f[%w]()TODO()%f[%W]', group = 'MiniHipatternsTodo' }, note = { pattern = '%f[%w]()NOTE()%f[%W]', group = 'MiniHipatternsNote' }, hex_color = hipatterns.gen_highlighter.hex_color(), } }) local indentscope = require('mini.indentscope') indentscope.setup({ draw = { delay = 10, animation = indentscope.gen_animation.none(), }, symbol = '│', }) require('mini.jump2d').setup({ mappings = { start_jumping = 'gw' } }) local picker_win_config = function() local height = vim.o.lines - 8 local width = 80 return { border = 'rounded', anchor = 'NW', height = height, width = width, row = 2, col = 5, } end require('mini.pick').setup({ mappings = { move_down = '<tab>', move_up = '<S-tab>', toggle_info = '<C-k>', toggle_preview = '<C-p>', }, options = { use_cache = true }, window = { config = picker_win_config, }, }) local MiniPick = require('mini.pick') MiniPick.registry.projects = function(local_opts) local root = vim.fn.expand("~/src") local command = { "fd", "--max-depth=8", "--one-file-system", "--unrestricted", "--full-path", "/.jj/repo/store/type$|/.git/HEAD$", root, } local postprocess = function(paths) local result = {} for _, path in ipairs(paths) do path = path:gsub("%/.jj/repo/store/type$", "") path = path:gsub("%/.git/HEAD$", "") local item = { path = path, text = path:gsub("%" .. root .. "/", " "), } table.insert(result, item) end return result end local choose = function(item) local_opts.cwd = item.path vim.fn.chdir(item.path) vim.schedule(function() MiniPick.builtin.files(local_opts, { source = { cwd = item.path, tool = "rg" } }) end) end return MiniPick.builtin.cli({ command = command, postprocess = postprocess }, { source = { choose = choose } }) end MiniPick.registry.files_root = function(local_opts) local root_patterns = { ".jj", ".git" } local root_dir = vim.fs.dirname(vim.fs.find(root_patterns, { upward = true })[1]) local_opts.cwd = root_dir local_opts.tool = "rg" return MiniPick.builtin.files(local_opts, { source = { cwd = root_dir, tool = "rg" } }) end MiniPick.registry.grep_live_root = function(local_opts) local root_patterns = { ".jj", ".git" } local root_dir = vim.fs.dirname(vim.fs.find(root_patterns, { upward = true })[1]) local_opts.cwd = root_dir return MiniPick.builtin.grep_live(local_opts, { source = { cwd = root_dir } }) end require("mini.pick").registry.buffers = function(local_opts, opts) local_opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend( "force", { sort_lastused = false, sort_mru = true, include_current = true, include_unlisted = false }, local_opts or {} ) local buffers_output = vim.api.nvim_exec("buffers" .. (local_opts.include_unlisted and "!" or ""), true) local cur_buf_id, include_current = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf(), local_opts.include_current local items = {} local default_selection_idx = 1 for _, l in ipairs(vim.split(buffers_output, "\n")) do local buf_str, name = l:match("^%s*%d+"), l:match('"(.*)"') local buf_id = tonumber(buf_str) local flag = buf_id == vim.fn.bufnr("") and "%" or (buf_id == vim.fn.bufnr("#") and "#" or " ") local item = { text = name, bufnr = buf_id, flag = flag } if buf_id ~= cur_buf_id or include_current then if local_opts.sort_lastused and not local_opts.ignore_current_buffer and flag == "#" then default_selection_idx = 2 end if local_opts.sort_lastused and (flag == "#" or flag == "%") then local idx = ((items[1] ~= nil and items[1].flag == "%") and 2 or 1) table.insert(items, idx, item) else table.insert(items, item) end end end if local_opts.sort_mru then table.sort(items, function(a, b) return vim.fn.getbufinfo(a.bufnr)[1].lastused > vim.fn.getbufinfo(b.bufnr)[1].lastused end) end local show = function(buf_id, items, query) require("mini.pick").default_show(buf_id, items, query, { show_icons = true }) end local default_opts = { source = { name = "Buffers", show = show } } opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", default_opts, opts or {}, { source = { items = items } }) if default_selection_idx > 1 then vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", { pattern = "MiniPickStart", once = true, callback = function() local mappings = require("mini.pick").get_picker_opts().mappings local keys = vim.fn["repeat"](mappings.move_down, default_selection_idx - 1) vim.api.nvim_input(vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(keys, true, true, true)) end, }) end return require("mini.pick").start(opts) end local miniclue = require('mini.clue') miniclue.setup({ -- cute prompts about bindings triggers = { { mode = 'n', keys = '<Leader>' }, { mode = 'x', keys = '<Leader>' }, { mode = 'n', keys = '<space>' }, { mode = 'x', keys = '<space>' }, -- Built-in completion { mode = 'i', keys = '<C-x>' }, -- `g` key { mode = 'n', keys = 'g' }, { mode = 'x', keys = 'g' }, -- Marks { mode = 'n', keys = "'" }, { mode = 'n', keys = '`' }, { mode = 'x', keys = "'" }, { mode = 'x', keys = '`' }, -- Registers { mode = 'n', keys = '"' }, { mode = 'x', keys = '"' }, { mode = 'i', keys = '<C-r>' }, { mode = 'c', keys = '<C-r>' }, -- Window commands { mode = 'n', keys = '<C-w>' }, -- `z` key { mode = 'n', keys = 'z' }, { mode = 'x', keys = 'z' }, -- Bracketed { mode = 'n', keys = '[' }, { mode = 'n', keys = ']' }, }, clues = { miniclue.gen_clues.builtin_completion(), miniclue.gen_clues.g(), miniclue.gen_clues.marks(), miniclue.gen_clues.registers(),, miniclue.gen_clues.z(), }, window = { delay = 0, config = { border = 'rounded', width = 'auto', }, } }) local notify_win_config = function() local has_statusline = vim.o.laststatus > 0 local pad = vim.o.cmdheight + (has_statusline and 1 or 0) return { anchor = 'SE', border = 'rounded', col = vim.o.columns, row = vim.o.lines - pad } end require('mini.notify').setup({ window = { config = notify_win_config, winblend = 0, }, }) require('mini.starter').setup({ header = [[ ████████▄ ▄▄ ▒▒ ██ ▀██ ██ ██ ▄██ ▄██████▄ ██████ ▄██████▄ ▄████▄██ ██ ▄██████▄ ████████▀ ▀▀ ██ ██ ▀▀ ██ ██▀ ▀██ ██ ▀▀ ██ ██ ▄███████ ██ ▄███████ ██ ██ ██ ▄███████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██▄ ▄██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ▀████▀██ ▀███ ▀████▀██ ▀████▀██ ██ ▀████▀██ ▄▄ ██ ▀██████▀ ]] })