{ config, pkgs, ... }: let realName = "Daniel Lundin"; email = "dln@arity.se"; in { home = { username = "dln"; homeDirectory = "/home/dln"; packages = with pkgs; [ asciinema openconnect ouch ]; }; programs.atuin.settings = { show_tabs = false; cwd_filter = [ "^~/media" "^/home/dln/media" "^/tmp" ]; history_filter = [ "^kubectl create secret.*--from-literal" "^kubectl delete ns" "^kubectl delete namespace" "^talosctl reset" ]; }; programs.git = { userName = realName; userEmail = email; }; programs.helix = { enable = true; # extraPackages = []; }; programs.jujutsu = { settings = { user = { email = email; name = realName; }; signing = { sign-all = true; backend = "ssh"; backends.ssh.allowed-signers = "/home/dln/.ssh/authorized_keys"; key = "/home/dln/.ssh/git_signing_key.pub"; }; git = { push-bookmark-prefix = "dln/push-"; }; ui = { "default-command" = [ "log" "--limit=25" "-T" "builtin_log_comfortable" ]; pager = "delta"; }; "merge-tools" = { difft."diff-args" = [ "--color=always" "--missing-as-empty" "$left" "$right" ]; difftu = { program = "difft"; "diff-args" = [ "--color=always" "--display=inline" "--missing-as-empty" "$left" "$right" ]; }; }; aliases = { l = [ "log" "--limit=25" "-T" "builtin_log_comfortable" "-r" "(main..@) | (main..@)-" ]; la = [ "log" "--limit=25" "-T" "builtin_log_oneline" "-r" "all()" ]; d = [ "diff" "--tool=difftu" ]; dd = [ "diff" "--git" ]; ds = [ "diff" "--tool=difft" ]; s = [ "show" "--tool=difftu" ]; ss = [ "show" "--tool=difft" ]; }; "revset-aliases" = { # Prevent rewriting commits on main@origin and commits authored by other users; "user(x)" = "author(x) | committer(x)"; "trunk()" = "latest((present(main) | present(master)) & remote_bookmarks())"; "open" = "(mine() ~ ::trunk()) ~ heads(empty())"; "wip" = ''description("wip: ")''; "ready" = "open() ~ (wip::)"; }; colors = { "commit_id prefix" = { bold = true; }; "rest" = { fg = "bright black"; bold = false; }; "diff added token" = { bg = "#002200"; fg = "#66ffcc"; underline = false; }; "diff removed token" = { bg = "#220011"; underline = true; }; }; }; }; programs.ssh.extraConfig = '' Include ${config.home.homeDirectory}/.ssh/config_local ''; programs.ssh.matchBlocks = { dev = { hostname = ""; forwardAgent = true; }; nemo = { hostname = ""; forwardAgent = true; localForwards = [ { bind.address = "localhost"; bind.port = 8000; host.address = "localhost"; host.port = 8000; } { bind.address = "localhost"; bind.port = 8080; host.address = "localhost"; host.port = 8080; } ]; }; }; services.syncthing.enable = true; home.stateVersion = "24.05"; # https://nixos.wiki/wiki/FAQ/When_do_I_update_stateVersion }