# NixOS Config IT in a box! ## Bootstrapping from a fresh NixOS installation 1. Install NixOS 2. Clone this repo: ``` nix-shell -p git --command 'git clone https://patagia.dev/dln/nixos-config.git' ``` 3. Ensure host configuration exists at `./nixos-config/hosts/${HOSTNAME}` and contains at minimum the hardware configuration. The NixOS installer will write this out to `/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix`. 4. Apply configuration: ``` sudo nixos-rebuild boot --flake ./nixos-config#${HOSTNAME} ``` ## Use 1. Clone this repo somewhere convenient, like `~/src/shelman/nixos-config` 2. Apply configuration: `just switch` ## Update Update nixpkgs and switch: `just update` # Home Manager `just home-switch`