source ~/.zplug/init.zsh zplug "plugins/git", from:oh-my-zsh zplug "zsh-users/zsh-completions" zplug 'zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting', defer:2 zplug 'zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search', defer:3 # zplug 'zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions' # zplug 'Aloxaf/fzf-tab' if ! zplug check --verbose; then printf "Install? [y/N]: " if read -q; then echo; zplug install fi fi zplug load ## History HISTSIZE=50000 SAVEHIST=50000 HISTFILE=~/.zsh_history setopt append_history setopt extended_history setopt hist_expire_dups_first setopt hist_fcntl_lock setopt hist_ignore_all_dups setopt hist_ignore_space setopt HIST_IGNORE_SPACE setopt hist_lex_words setopt hist_reduce_blanks setopt hist_save_no_dups setopt hist_subst_pattern setopt hist_verify setopt share_history ## zsh settings setopt pipe_fail setopt auto_pushd setopt no_beep setopt no_rm_star_silent setopt extended_glob setopt ksh_glob setopt null_glob ## Completion autoload -Uz compinit compinit ## Autosuggest # ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE="fg=#D7CCC8,italic" # ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_USE_ASYNC=1 # ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_STRATEGY=(history completion) ## fasd alias a='fasd -a' # any alias s='fasd -si' # show / search / select alias d='fasd -d' # directory alias f='fasd -f' # file alias sd='fasd -sid' # interactive directory selection alias sf='fasd -sif' # interactive file selection alias z='fasd_cd -d' # cd, same functionality as j in autojump alias zz='fasd_cd -d -i' # cd with interactive selection eval "$(fasd --init posix-alias zsh-hook)" cd_func () { local dir if [[ $1 == "--" ]]; then _jump || return 1 return 0 elif [[ -z "$1" ]]; then dir="$HOME" else dir="$@" fi "cd" "${dir}" fasd -A $PWD } alias cd=cd_func redraw-prompt() { local precmd for precmd in $precmd_functions; do $precmd done zle reset-prompt } zle -N redraw-prompt _jump() { dir="$(fasd -Rdlt | fzf --tiebreak=end -1 -0 --no-sort +m --height 10)" && cd_func "${dir}" zle && zle redraw-prompt } zle -N _jump ## Keybindings bindkey -e bindkey '^[[A' history-beginning-search-backward bindkey '^[[B' history-beginning-search-forward bindkey '^P' history-beginning-search-backward bindkey '^N' history-beginning-search-forward bindkey '^g' _jump ## Gnupg / gpg / ssh / yubikey export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket) ## Pager export LESS="--mouse --wheel-lines=1 -nRXF" ## Aliases alias dotgit='git --work-tree $HOME --git-dir $HOME/.dot_git' alias l=bat alias ls=exa alias tail='tail -n $LINES' alias timestamp='TZ=Z date "+%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ"' alias tree='exa --tree' alias v=vgrep alias ve='env EDITOR= vgrep -s' alias xc='xclip -selection clipboard' alias c='cut -c-${COLUMNS}' ## vim export EDITOR=nvim export NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS=/tmp/nvimsocket e () { nvr --remote $(readlink -f "$@") echo -e "\x1b]2;1234567890123456$(date +%s):nvim\x1b\\" } ## fzf export FZF_TMUX=1 export FZF_COMPLETION_TRIGGER=";" export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='fd --type f --hidden --follow --exclude .git' . /usr/share/fzf/completion.zsh . /usr/share/fzf/key-bindings.zsh ## direnv eval "$(direnv hook zsh)" ## Kubernetes command -v kubectl >/dev/null 2>&1 && source <(kubectl completion zsh) export PATH=$HOME/.krew/bin:$PATH ## linkerd command -v linkerd >/dev/null 2>&1 && source <(linkerd completion zsh) ## Flux command -v flux >/dev/null 2>&1 && source <(flux completion zsh) ## Google Cloud [ -f /opt/google-cloud-sdk/ ] && source /opt/google-cloud-sdk/ # hack until gcloud works with python 3.9 export CLOUDSDK_PYTHON=python2 ## Golang export PATH=$HOME/go/bin:$PATH GOPROXY= ## Ansible export ANSIBLE_NOCOWS=1 ## Prompt eval "$(starship init zsh)" # function set_win_title(){ # echo -ne "\033]0; $(basename $PWD) \007" # } # precmd_functions+=(set_win_title) export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH autoload -U +X bashcompinit && bashcompinit complete -o nospace -C /usr/bin/vault vault