
198 lines
5.1 KiB

local wezterm = require 'wezterm';
local editPanes = {};
local editMarker = ":nvim";
-- Window titles are a perfectly fine IPC mechanism 😁
wezterm.on("update-right-status", function(window, pane)
local title = pane:get_title();
local pid = pane:pane_id();
if editPanes[pid] ~= title and title:sub(-#editMarker) == editMarker then
editPanes[pid] = title;
window:perform_action(wezterm.action{ActivateTab=0}, pane);
function font_with_fallback(name, params)
local names = {name, "Noto Color Emoji", "Iosevka Nerd Font Mono"}
return wezterm.font_with_fallback(names, params)
return {
-- automatically_reload_config = false,
font = font_with_fallback("Iosevka Term SS09 Light"),
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italic = false,
intensity = "Half",
font = font_with_fallback("Iosevka Term SS09 Thin")
italic = true,
intensity = "Normal",
font = font_with_fallback("Iosevka Term SS09 Light", {italic=true})
italic = true,
intensity = "Bold",
font = font_with_fallback("Iosevka Term Curly Slab XLt", {italic=true})
intensity = "Bold",
font = font_with_fallback("Iosevka Term SS09 Semibold")
freetype_load_target = "HorizontalLcd",
font_size = 12.0,
line_height = 1.0,
initial_cols = 120,
initial_rows = 40,
window_padding = {
left = 0,
right = 0,
top = 0,
bottom = 0,
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show_tab_index_in_tab_bar = true,
enable_scroll_bar = false,
window_decorations = "NONE",
scrollback_lines = 5000,
alternate_buffer_wheel_scroll_speed = 2,
check_for_updates = false,
status_update_interval = 100,
launch_menu = {
label = "dln-dev",
args = {"ssh", "dln-dev"},
leader = { key="o", mods="CTRL", timeout_milliseconds=1000 },
keys = {
{key="c", mods="ALT|SHIFT", action="Copy"},
{key="v", mods="ALT|SHIFT", action="Paste"},
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{key="RightArrow", mods="CTRL|SHIFT", action=wezterm.action{SpawnTab="CurrentPaneDomain"}},
{key="1", mods="ALT", action=wezterm.action{ActivateTab=0}},
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{key="0", mods="ALT", action=wezterm.action{ActivateTab=9}},
colors = {
foreground = "#ded9ce",
background = "#171717",
cursor_bg = "#FB8C00",
-- cursor_fg = "black",
cursor_border = "#FB8C00",
split = "#444444",
ansi = {
brights = {
tab_bar = {
background = "#000000",
active_tab = {
bg_color = "#171717",
fg_color = "#c0b070",
intensity = "Bold",
inactive_tab = {
bg_color = "#000000",
fg_color = "#c0c0c0",
intensity = "Half",
-- You can configure some alternate styling when the mouse pointer
-- moves over inactive tabs
inactive_tab_hover = {
bg_color = "#333333",
fg_color = "#909090",
italic = true,
tab_bar_style = {
active_tab_left = wezterm.format({
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active_tab_right = wezterm.format({
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inactive_tab_left = wezterm.format({
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inactive_tab_right = wezterm.format({
inactive_tab_hover_left = wezterm.format({
{Text=" "},
inactive_tab_hover_right = wezterm.format({
{Text=" "},
-- ssh_domains = {
-- {
-- name = "dln-dev",
-- remote_address = "dln-dev",
-- username = "dln",
-- }
-- },