
151 lines
3.2 KiB
Raw Blame History

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b = branch -va
cl = clone --filter=blob:none
co = checkout
d = diff --stat -p -C --color-words
ds = diff --staged --stat -p -C --color-words
dt = difftool
patch = !git --no-pager diff --no-color
pullr = pull --rebase --autostash
sh = show --stat -p -C --color-words --show-signature
st = status -sb
t = tag --sort=-v:refname --format='%(color:bold italic)%(objectname:short)%(color:noitalic) %(refname:short)'
new = !git fetch -u origin main:main && git branchless switch -d origin/main
sl = branchless smartlog
sync = branchless sync
sw = branchless switch
s = branchless switch -i
copr = "!f() { \
pr=$1 \
&& test -n \"$pr\" || pr=`tea pr list -o simple | fzf --bind 'enter:become(echo {+1})'` \
&& git fetch origin refs/pull/$pr/head \
&& git checkout --detach FETCH_HEAD \
g = graph -S -m simple -s round
ll = "log --first-parent --topo-order --pretty='format:%Creset%x1B[1;3;38:2:127:114:88m%h %G? ┼%x1B[0;38:2:154:234:255m%d%Creset %x1B[3;38:2:194:203:226m%s %x1B[38:2:93:112:164m᠁᠁᠁ %x1B[38:2:74:119:163m%al %x1B[2;38:2:93:112:164m%ah'"
lla = "log --graph --all --topo-order --pretty='format:%x1B[38:2:233:218:190m%h%x1B[38:2:154:234:255m%d%Creset %x1B[1;3;38:2:194:203:226m%s %x1B[38:2:93:112:164m᠁ %x1B[38:2:74:119:163m%al %x1B[2;38:2:93:112:164m%ah'"
guilt = "!f(){ git log --pretty='format:%an <%ae>' $@ | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn; }; f"
serve = daemon --verbose --export-all --base-path=.git --reuseaddr --strict-paths .git/
whitespace = nowarn
date = relative
[branch "main"]
rebase = true
[branch "master"]
rebase = true
branch = auto
diff = auto
status = auto
ui = auto
ui = auto
compression = 3
excludesfile = "~/.gitignore"
looseCompression = 3
pager = delta
; # syntax-theme = GitHub
file-added-label = " ══"
file-modified-label = " ▲ ══"
file-removed-label = " ➖══"
file-renamed-label = " ➞ ══"
file-style = bold "#ffff66" "#333300"
file-transformation = "s/$/ ══ /"
hunk-header-file-style = bold "#66ddff"
hunk-header-line-number-style = bold "#66ccff"
hunk-header-style = line-number bold "#99eeff" "#001133"
hunk-label = "⯁"
hunk-label-style = bold "#66ccff"
line-numbers = true
max-line-distance = 0.9
cookiefile = /home/dln/.gitcookies
protocol = git
diffFilter = delta --color-only --features=interactive
gpgsign = true
verbose = true
helper = store
algorithm = histogram
tool = difft
prompt = false
[difftool "difft"]
cmd = difft --color=always --display inline "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" | bat
prune = true
prunetags = true
showForcedUpdates = true
[filter "lfs"]
clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
process = git-lfs filter-process
required = true
smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
format = ssh
[gpg "ssh"]
allowedSignersFile = ~/.config/git/allowed_signers
defaultKeyCommand = /home/dln/.config/git/
defaultBranch = main
concurrenttransfers = 32
conflictstyle = zdiff3
compression = 3
threads = 0
default = tracking
autosquash = true
enabled = true
sort = -v:refname
email =
name = Daniel Lundin
useConfigOnly = true